WEIRD or ODD Eggs pics!!!! :)

I have to share this "egg" we recently got from one of our girls. It came from either a Barred Rock or a Red Sex Link. This is not a first egg. One of our Barred Rocks is over 4 years old and the other is 2 years old. The Reds are 3'years old. Anyone ever see this before?

I don't have a picture of it but over a year ago I had an egg from my scrawny Buff Orpington that was a little small, just barely off-white, and the inside of the shell was dark pink! It was normal otherwise.
This isn't really that weird or odd, but my hen laid an egg, and all my birds are on Corid right now so I have to get rid of the eggs, but I decided to crack it open to see if it was fertilized, and when I looked at the germinal disc thingy (I think that's what it's called..?) it had like 2 circles with a bullseye around them...I don't know if it's just a normal germinal disk and the cells just started to divide or if it would have been twins..anyways it seemed weird, so I thought Id post it. But what makes me kind of think that it would have been twins is the fact that she hadn't been sitting on the egg for more that 8 minutes, and other eggs that I've gotten that were fertilized and sat on for longer hasn't looked like that....I don't know....tell me what u think....




To me it looks like a normal fertile egg. I don't see any development. There is a post on BYC with photos of daily developing egg. I will see if I can find it.
To me it looks like a normal fertile egg. I don't see any development. There is a post on BYC with photos of daily developing egg. I will see if I can find it.
what I meant was that there was like 2 circles with a circle around it. Normally the ones I see are just one circle with a circle around it. I just thought it was weird. i wasn't saying that there was development(or at least i was trying not to say that), just that there were like 2 circles instead of one. it's the first time I've seen that so I thought it was weird..Sorry what I was saying wasn't very clear...
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I have had some like that but never gave much thought to them. It is hard to get a good picture. Next time I get one I will try to get a decent picture of it.

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