WEIRD or ODD Eggs pics!!!! :)

Here is my second huge egg like this, looks like two eggs fused together to me. It is next to a quarter and extra large.

Here is the "seam"

Thought it was cool to see this, hard boiled double yolker.

What's your technique for hard boiling and getting the shell off? someone said slit lay crack the egg before boiling. I've heard the shells are impossible to peel when the egg is super fresh.
Personally I wasn't to successful with peeling the eggs. cant help you there. I did use eggs which we about a week all so that may have helped. I'm sure practice is one of the best things you can do.
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Hi, I'm a proud, new chicken owner. :) I was wondering, those double and triple yokers, what would happen if they were fertilized and incubated? Is there a such thing as chicken maternal twins?
From my understanding, yes, twins are possible. How ever, they are almost always not successful at hatching as the two chicks take up too much space inside the shell. I did watch a youtube video of a double yolker (twin) assisted hatch that was successful, but I think they are not very common in nature.
I still can't get one yolk from our 21 week old BA!

Nice work chickadee!
Soon, Patience grasshopper! Some chicks take up to 6 months to start laying. I do empathize with you. I was checkin every day anxiously waiting for mine to start because I thought they started laying at 16 weeks. I have 13 hens that were born Feb 23rd and I get about 7-9 eggs a day now. I'm not sure all mine have started laying yet. I think I have two that may be holding out on me. Look at their wattles and combs. When they get really red that means their about to start laying. It also will attract the rooster to start mating
Our 4 oldest are 24 weeks now. The younger rooster has figured it out. All are squatting, very noisy and all are red in the face. 3 have much bigger combs and wattles than a couple of weeks ago.

**any day now** (been saying that for weeks though hahaha)
I've had some strange eggs over the years....double yolkers, misshapen body check eggs, no yolk and no shell. But I've never seen anything like this one with a stem?????? It seems like the inner membrane came through an opening in the end of the egg and twisted up. Kinda reminds me of when we used balloons and paper mache to make pinatas growing up.


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