Weird poop with weird egg


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2019

My 6 year old hen recently laid what appears to be a fart egg. Yesterday and today she made a very weird poop, please look at the picture. What could this be? She's an indoor chicken, with no exposure to other chickens. We recently started giving her a vitamin supplement, added to her water. She's acting completely normally, in every other way. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like she pooped out a soft egg shell. Hopefully she won't do it again. She is an older hen reaching henopause and you will see her slowing down her egg production. She can occasionally lay an odd egg and remain healthy. Get your hands on her and examine her closely. Look for a swollen belly and vent gleet. Keep a close eye on her, feed her good quality feed. When my hens reach 6 or so, I stop feeding layer feed and switch to All Flock with oyster shells on the side that the hens can choose to eat. However, if your hen is still laying on a regular basis she will need good quality layer feed.
I am so grateful for your thoughtful and helpful response. You have really provided a lot of relief for us and given us very useful information. Thank you so much.

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