Weird things your dogs/cats have eaten?


11 Years
Mar 25, 2008
1 hour north of Sacramento, CA
So I have a great pyranees puppy who thinks the whole world is gourmet cuisine created exclusively for him.
Last night my 3 year old was outside with a 3 ft string of mardi gras beads just playing and having a good ol time. He came in without the beads... and I found a few of them on the lawn and Dallas the GP puppy was looking like he just ate the finest caviar. All I could do it hope that the morning feeding would push the beads out the other side.

This morning (thank Heavens!) the beads resurfaced in technicolor beauty and I'm so grateful everything came out ok in the end.
My vet was on standby waiting for a report and I got to make the call that my puppy poops in rainbow colors.
So, (other than your chickens) what's the strangest things your dog has consumed? And did it require a trip to the vet?
Chicken poop. Dirty diapers. Yuck.
I always tell my kids to never let a dog lick them in the face. They eat nasty stuff.
My dog once ate an exacto knife blade. Had to have very expensive after-hours emergency surgery. Never did figure out where he got the blade. Was a really cool looking X-Ray.
My dog is a sock connoisseur. He can dig through the laundry and although there are a number of people who live here, he will find my socks and only my nylon trouser socks. We found this out when they ended up "in the yard."
My cat ate a needle and thread. By the time we discovered the problem (he passed the end of the thread) He had been sick for several weeks. On surgery, the needle had passed through and through his gut and his liver several times. The vet wasn't able to save him.
My uncles' springer spaniel, on a hunting trip in N. Dakota, ate an entire pheasant. Feet, feathers, everything, in a matter of minutes (he was in the back of the pickup.) He also used to eat cucumbers out of the garden
Years ago when we hung laundry on the line to dry, we had a siberian husky that took a liking to my wife's bras. What can I say, it was a male. Can't say I blame him. I'm kind of partial to them too, just never tried to eat one. The vet's only comment was "these things too shall come to pass.
I relate... we adopted a shepherd mix from the pound and he was an escape artist and garbage eater. We spent a fortune trying to contain this animal. We hot wired the whole place and put the collar on him. He'd clear a 6 foot fence in a single bound and yap on the way over! He got ahold of a chicken carcass in the neighbors trash and ate the whole thing. He was too sick by the time we got him to the vet and we lost him too. I'm sorry about your cat. That's so sad.
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