Weird wild duckling

Hi, the mom is in several of the photos, including the first one. I suspect this duck *might* be the father, though we have a LOT of domestic and hybrid mallards there whom could also be the father. This picture is not recent because he hasn't been very co-operative about me taking any of him. But, I have seen him in the area where the mom and ducklings hang out, but have not seen them together recently. I'm not sure if she is the same female he used to hang out with a couple years ago.

Ok he's a very pretty gadwall the duckling having a white belly I would say it's the gadwall or a widgeon or a white domestic duck or a hybrid with white on it
Ok he's a very pretty gadwall the duckling having a white belly I would say it's the gadwall or a widgeon or a white domestic duck or a hybrid with white on it
That male gadwall was one of only two gadwall chicks I've ever seen at that lake and he's always had a mallard girlfriend, but I've never seen a hybrid duckling. There has been some "suspected" hybrid ducklings, but they never survived more than a week.

I've seen some mallard ducklings have some white on their bellies, but they lose most of it when they grow up. He has an interesting pattern on his chest and head forming. I so hope he makes it because I really want to see what he looks like as an adult. He might just be a regular mallard afterfall, or something different.

He's still small and vulnerable and his siblings are already doing flying lessons. I hope he doesn't get left behind.
Here is today's picture. I am worried as he seems tired and often goes way off on his own. He doesn't seem to be growing very much, either. Today, they were hanging out with a gadwall that I thought was a female, but might have been the male in eclipse, but I'm not sure because he didn't vocalize. He was sitting right next to Troublemaker. He didn't let me get a photo of him, either.

He actually seems OK. He's always gone out on his own before; that's why I named him Troublemaker. He goes off on his own and then leads one of the other duckling to do the same and they get into trouble. But, now the other ducklings, who are much bigger and further along in development, are off doing their own thing and he's alone more often. He goes back to the family when he's scared and he seems to keep up with them. He also eats and drinks a lot, but seems less energetic than he used to be. I'm hoping he's less energetic because his body is growing faster. He has grown a little in the last week, but not as fast as he should.

I don't think I'll intervene, he seems to be extremely happy and his mom seems to keep tabs on him. I just don't have a lot of confidence that he will make it to adulthood.
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It looks like he grew a little. Here he is with his brother. He's still "all legs":

And, here he is with his sister who seemed annoyed and pecked at him. You can see the difference in their bills:

He seems a lot less energetic lately. But, I remember the other ones slowed down at this stage of development, too. Probably putting all his energy into growing.

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