Weirdest thing your chicken has ever done...

The other day Samantha decided to perch up on the Garage Door tracts. The car was not in the garage at the time so she flew up there all buy herself. I don't think she knew how to get down, my husband finally stood on a chair, held his arm up to her and she got on it right away, as if getting into the elevator for her ride down. Here's a picture of her before taking her elevator ride!

Ok I have had my chickens since March and this little girl has done the strangest thing so far from my post most unorthodox way to lay an egg.
so my Buff Orpington hen Henrietta layed her first egg today!! YAHHH, but in the craziest way imaginable.
She finally decided to come outside into the run because I was out there feeding greens to the others. Well she was so totally up my behind I was tripping over her while racking the run. Well I then went into the baby coop to clean up some and she went nuts trying to come thru the wire behind the wire anything to get into the pen with me, well she did manage to get herself hung up behind the pen and run and wall so I went to her rescue and she basically jumped right into my shirt as I was still bent over when she got unstuck, so I just stood up and low and behold my first egg dropped right through my shirt and onto the sand, TG my run is sand and the girls so far seem to have tough shells, because it did not break.......but what a crazy way to lay that first egg HUH I laughed so hard I almost dropped her. Crazy chicken, she has always been one of my friendliest hens and I'm so glad she came to me for help.
I think that is exactly what she was up too and why she had such a fit when I left the run to clean out the baby pen. She has never tried to follow me when I left the run or even remotely seemed interested in getting into the baby pen with all those silly 10 week old roosters.
So anyone else have a crazy first egg story??
My favorite hen is a buff orphington, i just love her so much, sometimes at night i'll get her on my arm and cuddle her, she'll stretch her neck over my shoulder making her usual low brrrr noises. and the way she looks and moves it reminds me of an emu.
I am probably the biggest BO fan ever! Amulet is a sweet, caring, SINGING BO with dark crystal eyes

she's a very sweet girl
here amulet and pepper are together:
Normally when the chickens are put to bed we just lock them in their back area and they get in their coop and go to bed. Last summer we were watching tv after dark and saw a white object jump up at our big picture window. One of the chickens was out in the yard when we shut up their area and we did not realize it. Realizing she couldnt get into her house she acted like she wanted in mine.

They also come running when you open the back door or call the dogs to you. And yes........ sometimes they come to me better then the dogs.

They will attack all 4 of my dogs and my old foster dog who was an American Bulldog if they even THINK of taking the chickens Kefir curds from them. Now that is a sight I sure wish I had on film.
i want to get a chicken diaper (so my girls wouldn't poo everywhere, because all they do is POO!) so we can bring Amulet (the quiet, docile one) to church and have her blessed. I might even have her baptised LOL!

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