Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Glad to hear everyone had such a wonderful, if a bit messy, day. We spent the day mostly quietly recooping from yesterday's storm cleanup. Got the turkey and simple trimmings done and we enjoyed a nice dinner.
But, then this evening, :barnie We were surprised with ANOTHER winter storm warning!!!! This one is supposed to be worse than the last, starting tomorrow night and all thru the day on Tuesday. We were supposed to make a very important roadtrip to my Onc for testing to see if my remission is holding. We had the appointment a couple weeks ago but his office called the day before and asked if we could help them clear room for someone needing an emergency consult. Of course! But, rather than see someone else (because of the importance of this appt.) I just had them move me ahead to the next opening. My onc will NOT be happy if I push ahead again (he's such a worry wart) but I can't let the DH drive 3 hours in a blizzard, nope nope. We did do that once when I was not doing as well and it was nightmare coming and going. Besides knowing him, since I've already been moved once, he's going to make the girls make room for me before the end of the week anyway (like I said, worry wart).
I'm just not looking forward to another major dig out so soon. :thOh well, in to town tomorrow for gas for the "stuff" to keep us safe (aka generators) and the "stuff" (snowthrowers and tractor) to dig us out again and a few groceries and another head of cabbage to keep the chickens busy so my cranky Wyandottes don't get bored and start pickin' fights.
Oh mannn.... careful and good luck on the appointment. My next onc appointment is in July....

my place yesterday.

One with horns is Feta, full Saanen and still in milk from last year

little white one is a Saanen x Nigerian dwarf, Mozzie and pregnant

In the back if you look close you can see a brown goat head, Mocha the 3/4 Nubian 1/4 Boar, also pregnant

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no... not my boat, my in-laws... I get to look at it while it is parked at my place.
So.... Knowing my own goats rep.... have they rewired the boat yet? :pop
curious why bobbi-j qouted me from other threads and put it here or they trying to make is sound gross?
Me thinks her Multi quote got into the mix....

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