Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

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Brrrrr....3 above this morning.
Pretty sure the ice on little lake is safe now.
Hope its it's a great Sunday you all.
Last race of the year......
Hey wait!!! How are you warmer than us???? NOT FAIR! :rant
-4 F now. Was -8 F when I got up at 4:30. My poor hunters didn't hit the door to head for their stands until almost 6 a.m. Don't think they were in too much of a hurry ;). Expecting them back in early for their fresh Polish. They'll be heading home later today then the next company will arrive Wednesday afternoon from Illinois. Did I mention I finally found out that my dd,sil, gd and the fiance' were able to sync up their work schedules and will be able to come for Thanksgiving? :celebrate At least they will be able to come up Wednesday, stay long enough for dinner on Thursday and then they have to dash back south so my sheriff sil can make his midnight shift. Oh well, I'm thankful they can come at all. It's been years since I've seen them. (dear gd was living in Florida until a month ago).
Yeah you wouldn't crack a window here in January...
I loaded up the stove last night on the way up to bed. There were still a couple pieces glowing red, so I didn't stick around to make sure it took off. It didn't! Bathroom floor was colder than normal. I got downstairs, checked the fire, it was the same when I'd gone to bed. It went down below freezing overnight, but still wasn't all that bad in the house. Started the stove again, made sure it was burning this time, & headed out to the coops. Spooked a deer right behind the shop. Got down here to the blind, had a yearling doe hit the feeder in the first 5 min. Finally came within 10' of the front of the blind while I was sitting here drinking coffee. Happens all the time; they can't see through the plexiglas sliders for some reason. Inside wall is black, so maybe that's it. Whatever, I ain't arguing.
Amazon has tons of wall stickers and vinyls. . I love this one View attachment 1593063
I have a poster of Phil, from Duck Dynasty, here in the blind. He's in camo, with a duck call in his mouth, and a caption saying "I'm a low tech man in a high tech world". Just above it is a poster of Uncle Si, full camo, sacked out on the couch below a pair of mounted bucks; "Work hard, play hard". There's also a red stop sign; says "The buck stops here". Hardly room for me in here with all the signs & posters.
Hey wait!!! How are you warmer than us???? NOT FAIR! :rant
-4 F now. Was -8 F when I got up at 4:30. My poor hunters didn't hit the door to head for their stands until almost 6 a.m. Don't think they were in too much of a hurry ;). Expecting them back in early for their fresh Polish. They'll be heading home later today then the next company will arrive Wednesday afternoon from Illinois. Did I mention I finally found out that my dd,sil, gd and the fiance' were able to sync up their work schedules and will be able to come for Thanksgiving? :celebrate At least they will be able to come up Wednesday, stay long enough for dinner on Thursday and then they have to dash back south so my sheriff sil can make his midnight shift. Oh well, I'm thankful they can come at all. It's been years since I've seen them. (dear gd was living in Florida until a month ago).
Enjoy! We get to see son once a year, sometimes; I know exactly how you feel.
Totally understand the investment on the phone. I don't use mine hardly at all (spotty reception at best where we are) but I have both a Kindle and a laptop and would be lost without either.
Two laptops; one in the basement, one here in the blind (gotta do something when the deer aren't moving).
Still stuck at -4. No hurry to warm up this morning and a horefrost is rolling up from the river coating everything in white "frosting" that's starting to sparkle as the sun finally clears the trees. Not a single shot has been heard and Pa and the pup are snoozing in the recliner. Time to start my cyber shopping.
Totally understand the investment on the phone. I don't use mine hardly at all (spotty reception at best where we are) but I have both a Kindle and a laptop and would be lost without either.
This phone is really a powerful computer... crazy the stuff it'll do.
Yeah....I never replaced my lap top after the last one went.... didn't use it much anymore anyways.
I occasionally use my kindle. But mostly just for ordering meds from the VA.
Even do all my Ebay stuff right on my phone now days.

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