Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank


Yeah, that word gets us in trouble...
But its a great word!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, that word gets us in trouble...

Only cause you egg it on
And I always miss it
But I have something you have to hear no jokes Went to Bens ISP meeting today and I'm about to cry Rav Ben wrote his name . they got him to write his name . Didn't see him do it but he did .looked like something a small child would do and it was just Ben . I can't even get him o hold a pencil .
Yeah I actually had a great day today. i got to teach ACLS to the new grads-love anything that has to do with the heart.. Then got to teach phlebotomy and IV insertion.... and they came back off the floor so excited-each of them got to start and IV and nobody missed!!! So proud of my kids:clap They were psyched!!!

Glad your day was good..... I think if you can get more in the good column than the bad column your doing okay
i also hit him in the head with a golf club while playing putt putt......:oops:

My brother hooked my ear when we were fishing once...... :/
Ducks had a block party all day today... the cool down is much approved, lol...

Phil, I think you gave me your flockin head cold! :(

Oh no!!! No colds!!! Glad it cooled down for you though

I really did get struck in the head by a muscovy this am-just wanted to make sure you laugh at me instead of being worried!!!:lau
The pond is ok in my book!!:ya


Yeah I actually had a great day today. i got to teach ACLS to the new grads-love anything that has to do with the heart.. Then got to teach phlebotomy and IV insertion.... and they came back off the floor so excited-each of them got to start and IV and nobody missed!!! So proud of my kids:clap They were psyched!!!

but I got ticked cause right toward the end I hear keys in my door & I think its my boss-no some staffing member who comes in at the same time every day and poops in my bathroom!!!! Right during lunch!!!! I thought by locking the door it would keep the stink bomber out but oohhhh noooo!! she lit it up and then had the nerve to ask if I still wanted my door closed:mad:

:mad: gross

Thats better than my neighbors dog I killed on the way to work last month!!!!!:hit  I was a hot mess and didnt get off the couch for a week!!!

I hit a dog over the summer :hit first time I've hit an animal (beside a turkey-they don't count) it was ok but it was not a happy camper

no i pegged him in the forehead with it-i left a pretty good mark-lucky i didnt co.. roo back all the way:lau


I gotta hit the sack-back up at 4am and my wrist is aching... no comments from the peanut gallery:lau  Have a good night everyone and chat soon:frow

Give that wrist a rest why don't you ;)

Only cause you egg it on :gig And I always miss it:/   But I have something you have to hear no jokes Went to Bens ISP meeting today and I'm about to cry Rav Ben wrote his name . they got him to write his name . Didn't see him do it but he did .looked like something a small child would do and it was just Ben . I can't even get him o hold a pencil . :hit
that's great :hugs

Poor Spike... looks like mine are heading into full molts now too... :/
Sweet!!! I don't think I have ever sold a co... roo twice! :D

My poor Lav Orp got beat up yesterday... gotta get rid of the last Marans cockerel... I almost killed him... :(

Mine are molting too. I think my sisters in laws chickens are too, she said theirs had stopped laying aswell as ours.

I shot my brother in the head with a slingshot and a jolly rancher before....My mom was not pleased:confused:
Sweet!!!! :thumbsup I don't think my aim is that good.
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