Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Sounds yummy, but not first thing. She if you can buy a plain black & mix or chase it.

That is what I did... chased my coffee with coffee... second round full black.

Way better.

Actually, I used the same dirty cup... so a bit of leftover chocolate and sugar in the bottom from the mocha... that was good. :old
There are people even in this thread that just enjoy candling....I personally barely ever candle.
Heck I'm pretty much a hands off Hatcher.
And I've had 100% hatch rates.... And 0%.
I usually do well except in the hottest part of summer.... That's when the zero rates occur.
I candle a couple of times because it was my first and only successful. It was awesome but I didnt candle through out. out of five guinea eggs I had three develope and hatch... OH MY GAWD... Soon as they popped that shell off they popped out and rolled about the incubator.... Little lively buggers even from day zero.... I want to hatch one more batch before I get broodies lined up to do the work for me....

Okay... Caught up... Time to make the doughnuts.

Actually I'm resting mostly... Letting this hip get a break. I might go out and sorry through some tools... Organize a few more drawers.
But mostly I'm watching a movie or two.... Catch the Tigers game later.... They are playing them damn Yankees today...:tongue
Love that expression.... love love love it.

What's a good source of FREE coop plans?
Purena has several.... There is one out there called the Garden coop. Which can easily be expanded or made smaller.... When I was starting out I seriously thought of building one.

The garden Coop is here on BYC .... But alot of the coops here have plans written down for them.


She does not recommend that.

She WANTS me to eat half a cucumber every single day... I can manage a few slices a month. :confused:
You can make a cucumber drink.

  1. 1 1/2 oz gin (1 1/2 oz equals 3 Tbsp)
  2. 4-6 slices cucumber.
  3. 1/4 medium lime (sliced)
  4. 4 oz tonic water.
  5. 6 mint leaves.
  6. 1 Tbsp sugar (optional)
  7. health-benefits-of-cucumber-water.jpg

Or then just make Cucumber Water


No need to actually EAT cucumbers if you dont want....

You can make a cucumber drink.

  1. 1 1/2 oz gin (1 1/2 oz equals 3 Tbsp)
  2. 4-6 slices cucumber.
  3. 1/4 medium lime (sliced)
  4. 4 oz tonic water.
  5. 6 mint leaves.
  6. 1 Tbsp sugar (optional)
  7. health-benefits-of-cucumber-water.jpg

Or then just make Cucumber Water


No need to actually EAT cucumbers if you dont want....


For health!

But actually... I also despise carbonation. :confused:

I am odd... did you notice?

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