Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

There was a major change in mental health care in the UK a few years before I left. The change got grandly named Care in the Community, or something like that. It got dressed up by the politicians as the more caring option compared to incarceration for the mentally sick.
The idea of community care I'm largely in favor of. The problems of mental health are growing very fast.
Of course, what was actually going on was a cost cutting exercise and not an awful lot to do with a more compassionate view of mental health problem.
The thing is, I support the idea of care in the community but it needs funding so that there is an adequate level of supervision so you don't get the sick person who has stopped taking his or her medication ranting around the streets.
Roomy's current problem is a sick person, not an evil fecker. I don't know how it's supposed to work in the US but I imagine this guy has a case file and case worker somewhere. It's their responsibility and really shouldn't get to the point where the police have to step in.
I'm so worn out.

Some people retire & go into woodworking, or volunteer for community outreach. Of course, I've got to be stuck near a guy who's new hobby is harassing people.

The guy from waste management is terrified of this guy. He said he's called him 5x already this morning & when he came to take pictures of the easement for his boss, Crazy saw him drive up & was laying in wait for him at the bottom of the road. He said we should've pressed charges even if he'd only be detained a few hours & repeated that the guy needed to be medicated. He is trying to reroute a smaller truck that can come up our easement without tearing it to bits. I'm hoping the other neighbors will go for it & it will one less thing we have to deal with.

I know my rooster is next on his list. I die a little inside every time he crows. I know he's a goner. :hit

You guys are right about him being more dangerous than we know & we are all aware not to engage & not check the mail, etc.. alone. Once he runs out of things to harass us for I'm sure he'll turn on his mousey little wife. I hate to say it, but I bet she'll eventually be sleeping under the porch steps. :(
I'm 5'8", & was pushing 200lbs. real hard, again. I'm a munchaholic; love my munchies! Plus DW tries to feed me like a farm hand. At 4'9", she could lose 50# or more & never miss it. Time to do something!

We've been somewhat following a keto diet for a couple weeks, & it's starting to show some positive results, but DW mentioned it to the Cardiologist yesterday, & he said I shouldn't be on it; too much meat contributing to too much plaque in the arteries, even though a large percentage of it is venison. He says more fruits & veggies; fruits are slam full of sugar.

I'm a munchaholic too..... Funny it seems to happen about an hour after I eat one of my wife's brownies...:cool:

By the way have I ever mentioned I hate the Cleveland Indians?......:oops:
:eek:The way I see it you have two choices . Stay away from this person . Or be prepared to deal with a full on assault from this person . If this guy is really on medicine. For any one a number of behavioral problems .He could be more dangerous than you realize . There are laws now that prevent you from even finding that out . It's a sad state when something occurs that results in injury or death, from the lack of attention to such people. You need to think about arming yourself . We live in a society where gun control is who's the better shot :idunno .Sad as it is it's true . Please watch out, your life has changed .If possible try get the neighbors together, and figure a way to watch him .My gut tells me this could get much worse . My neighbor had a stoke ,next thing we know he was shooting at shadows in the dark saying he saw a prowler .Misplacing things and going around the neighborhood accusing everyone of stealing his stuff. Came to my house showed me a gun .Said He was going to shoot the thief . He was sick wife devoiced him sold all his guns auction . she just couldn't live with him anymore . He was just to unstable . I don't know where he is now .
Click click....BOOM!
I'm so worn out.

Some people retire & go into woodworking, or volunteer for community outreach. Of course, I've got to be stuck near a guy who's new hobby is harassing people.

The guy from waste management is terrified of this guy. He said he's called him 5x already this morning & when he came to take pictures of the easement for his boss, Crazy saw him drive up & was laying in wait for him at the bottom of the road. He said we should've pressed charges even if he'd only be detained a few hours & repeated that the guy needed to be medicated. He is trying to reroute a smaller truck that can come up our easement without tearing it to bits. I'm hoping the other neighbors will go for it & it will one less thing we have to deal with.

I know my rooster is next on his list. I die a little inside every time he crows. I know he's a goner. :hit

You guys are right about him being more dangerous than we know & we are all aware not to engage & not check the mail, etc.. alone. Once he runs out of things to harass us for I'm sure he'll turn on his mousey little wife. I hate to say it, but I bet she'll eventually be sleeping under the porch steps. :(
It sucks for sure....I know I've dealt with the dang meth heads here for years.
Best thing that happened was all that snow this winter caving in the roof of the old trailer they were starting m squatting in.
Mental health problems are everywhere... It's a global epidemic.
An I for one don't have a real answer.... Thankfully this summer it's quiet on the trail.
But for the last few years I was armed to the teeth.... And you had better knock if your coming into my place in the middle of the night.
I know that may sound harsh..... But meth addict don't sleep.... And get real ballsy about 4 a.m.
Isn't there some way you can get the Social Services to take some action Roomy?

I live in a snowflake state, so I doubt it, but Ill look into it.

By the way have I ever mentioned I hate the Cleveland Indians?......:oops:

Wait, what? You do??? :eek:I don't think you've ever mentioned that before. :lau

It sucks for sure....I know I've dealt with the dang meth heads here for years.
Best thing that happened was all that snow this winter caving in the roof of the old trailer they were starting m squatting in.
Mental health problems are everywhere... It's a global epidemic.
An I for one don't have a real answer.... Thankfully this summer it's quiet on the trail.
But for the last few years I was armed to the teeth.... And you had better knock if your coming into my place in the middle of the night.
I know that may sound harsh..... But meth addict don't sleep.... And get real ballsy about 4 a.m.

It doesn't sound harsh at all! We all jumped for joy when that roof caved in.

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