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Good morning, Pond Lifers.

Well I didn't get shot... Slightly assaulted, but not shot. The sheriff was already on the way when it happened. Crazy guy grabbed my wrist with both of his hands & gave me a small fingernail cut on my palm. All the neighbors were out there screaming at the guy to let me go & that he wasn't allowed to touch me. The hardest part was all of us talking DH down from freaking killing him.

All of this over trashcans. :he All of this over one crazy guy who stopped taking his meds & refuses to use his big boy words.

The SD County Sheriffs Dept was great once they FINALLY got there. Even though I wasn't hurt they informed me that grabbing me like that was Assault & Battery & they'd gladly arrest him. I seriously considered it just to teach that pr*ck a lesson, but when I found out he'd only be in for a few hours & I'd eventually have to testify in court I decided it wasn't worth my time (he's already wasted a solid week of my life.) It all goes into the police report including the (verbal) assault last week & another (verbal) assault this morning that a management guy from the trash company got to witness. I kid you not, this burly trash guy said, "That guy is crazy! I thought he was gonna hit you... You have to call the sheriff... I don't even want to leave because I'm sure he's gonna be down there waiting for me."

DH will work from home tomorrow so that he can get surveillance cameras put on the house. I had to scrub my cut with hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel & betadine, because God forbid I catch Psycho-itis from this jerk.

Sorry about the wall of text & thanks for all of your good thoughts & prayers! :hugs
...Cant we all just get along?!:rolleyes:

Can't like any of that. That guy is an accident waiting to happen. You did make me laugh with the 'Psycho-itis'. Please don't go anywhere near this guy alone.
Yes... but the poor things barely make it here .

It is extremely marginal for them... so the smallest little oops and they die.

I have had a bat house up for over 15 years..... still no bats in it.
We have I believethe largest brown bat cave in the country in Iron Mountain but 90% of the bar population died off last winter from that white fugal disease.
Hopefully they can eventually bounce back I love watching them when in out in the evening.
They overwinter here... which is why it is so hard on them.

If they get the slightest disturbance while hibernating they die... not enough fat stores for such a stupid long winter.
Our little brown bats here go through the same winter issues. That's a big reason this fungal disease kills them off our long Winters keep them in their canes till they get pnuemonia. Our Winters aren't quite as long as Al's I don't think. But pretty close. This year we had a snow pack from first week in October till May. I know we got shocked with am several incense the day I came home from my hip replacement and that was 1 May.
I'm stressing hard about taking the trash out tomorrow night. I spent all week studying county maps, codes & ordinances on waste management, easement rights & roosters till my eyes are ready to bleed. This is all stuff I already knew, but needed it fresh in my mind.

The crazy guy down the street has been out of town all week. Maybe the county told him they do not mediate easement disputes & that we are legally allowed a 24hr window to put our trash cans out. Maybe he went out of town because he needed to cool off, but maybe he went out of town to buy a gun in another state. I just don't know. :confused: Hopefully he's back on his meds again & feeling more stable, but I have a bad feeling about this. :(

This should not even be an issue. Its not his road. He had a problem with one house leaving their cans out where he could see them. He never said a word to them, he just went fully manic on the whole neighborhood. I personally talked to the renters of the house leaving their cans out. They were very nice people. They had no idea they weren't supposed to do that. They apologized profusely & promised it would never happen again.
Its such a crazy, stupid non-issue, but I guess people have been shot for a lot less. Hopefully it wont come to that. :fl:fl
Sorry I have no idea what to say here.
There are crazy numbers of birds here in the summer, but most leave early if they have a long trek.

Swallows are here for only 6 weeks max, same with the hummers...

Maybe you come up when some birds have already left?

And yeah feeders in bear season are stupid.
Feeders here attract bears as well.
My nieghbors put up feeders every year.
Bears knock them over every year.
I'll admit I put feeders out this year.... Hopefully the bears leave them alone.
One year a bear tire into something that was right outside my daughter's window.
She was quite literally sleeping two feet (separated by a window) from a bear.
We just have black bears here though.... Not too scary.
There's a Bear ranch in Newberry. ( East of here about an hour drive) the other day one of his take bears got out. A storm knocked power out and she climbed the fence.
She was a real tame bear named Sofia.
Oswald's bear range.... You can Google it.
Anyway the cop didn't know she was tame and shot her.
It is a real shame.... They do good work there.
They got a law passed allowing them to continue to operate as they are the only place in Michigan that rehabilites injured or abandoned bear cubs. They give them a great home.
All the bears have a huge area to be bears. Lots of food.....ect.

We went a few years ago and loved it.
Yes.... That is one of Weight Watchers strategy's. and the saying that you can eat anything you want.....

I am a lifetime member of weight watchers I reached goal back when I was twenty five. I kept it off for two years... then Life happened....

It takes twenty one days to create a habit... Good or bad.

The main goal these days with WW is Mindful eating.... Sitting and understanding and recording what you eat and when. it works no matter what food program you subscribe to.

REalistically its Calories in vs Calories burned.... Good Programs will assess the amount of calories it takes you just to live.... and then for the program they take that amount and subtract to the point where you are eating in a deficit. As you loose weight this is recalculated... Exercise counts for the deficit areas.

I been on just about every diet imaginable.

Weight watchers SEveral times
Airforce Diet
Cabbage Diet
Optifast a hospital supervised diet
Low Carb
All Fruit....

The ONLY one that makes sense to me is Weight Watchers. U use your own recipes supplemented by things you can buy in the store. With the addition of a group meeting to discuss strategies and triumphs.

The way I chose finally is surgery. I will always have to be mindful of what I eat and keep track of when and how much to make sure i get enough to function. Soon as I am off the limited diet because of the staples in my stomach I can pretty much eat what I want again. Within limitations.

I'm 5'8", & was pushing 200lbs. real hard, again. I'm a munchaholic; love my munchies! Plus DW tries to feed me like a farm hand. At 4'9", she could lose 50# or more & never miss it. Time to do something!

We've been somewhat following a keto diet for a couple weeks, & it's starting to show some positive results, but DW mentioned it to the Cardiologist yesterday, & he said I shouldn't be on it; too much meat contributing to too much plaque in the arteries, even though a large percentage of it is venison. He says more fruits & veggies; fruits are slam full of sugar.

I'm 5'8", & was pushing 200lbs. real hard, again. I'm a munchaholic; love my munchies! Plus DW tries to feed me like a farm hand. At 4'9", she could lose 50# or more & never miss it. Time to do something!

We've been somewhat following a keto diet for a couple weeks, & it's starting to show some positive results, but DW mentioned it to the Cardiologist yesterday, & he said I shouldn't be on it; too much meat contributing to too much plaque in the arteries, even though a large percentage of it is venison. He says more fruits & veggies; fruits are slam full of sugar.

funny that... My Cardeologist put me on Keto....

Well I didn't get shot... Slightly assaulted, but not shot. The sheriff was already on the way when it happened. Crazy guy grabbed my wrist with both of his hands & gave me a small fingernail cut on my palm. All the neighbors were out there screaming at the guy to let me go & that he wasn't allowed to touch me. The hardest part was all of us talking DH down from freaking killing him.

All of this over trashcans. :he All of this over one crazy guy who stopped taking his meds & refuses to use his big boy words.

The SD County Sheriffs Dept was great once they FINALLY got there. Even though I wasn't hurt they informed me that grabbing me like that was Assault & Battery & they'd gladly arrest him. I seriously considered it just to teach that pr*ck a lesson, but when I found out he'd only be in for a few hours & I'd eventually have to testify in court I decided it wasn't worth my time (he's already wasted a solid week of my life.) It all goes into the police report including the (verbal) assault last week & another (verbal) assault this morning that a management guy from the trash company got to witness. I kid you not, this burly trash guy said, "That guy is crazy! I thought he was gonna hit you... You have to call the sheriff... I don't even want to leave because I'm sure he's gonna be down there waiting for me."

DH will work from home tomorrow so that he can get surveillance cameras put on the house. I had to scrub my cut with hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel & betadine, because God forbid I catch Psycho-itis from this jerk.

Sorry about the wall of text & thanks for all of your good thoughts & prayers! :hugs
...Cant we all just get along?!:rolleyes:
:eek:The way I see it you have two choices . Stay away from this person . Or be prepared to deal with a full on assault from this person . If this guy is really on medicine. For any one a number of behavioral problems .He could be more dangerous than you realize . There are laws now that prevent you from even finding that out . It's a sad state when something occurs that results in injury or death, from the lack of attention to such people. You need to think about arming yourself . We live in a society where gun control is who's the better shot :idunno .Sad as it is it's true . Please watch out, your life has changed .If possible try get the neighbors together, and figure a way to watch him .My gut tells me this could get much worse . My neighbor had a stoke ,next thing we know he was shooting at shadows in the dark saying he saw a prowler .Misplacing things and going around the neighborhood accusing everyone of stealing his stuff. Came to my house showed me a gun .Said He was going to shoot the thief . He was sick wife devoiced him sold all his guns auction . she just couldn't live with him anymore . He was just to unstable . I don't know where he is now .

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