Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

:hugs you and i are about the same age and i often feel the same way watchin em act like fools. I think part of it is the difference in how i was raised. The lack of respect they have just kills me but then eating tide pods? Let em wean themselves out i say!

It was pretty disconcerting to have one of my first 'kids these days' moments, lol.

I was grateful they were at least respectful enough to stop talking when the movie came on. However, they just blurted out whatever came to mind during the previews, which is how I learned one of them was a mother and her daughter's birthday is October 18th, for example, because she felt she had to comment loudly about that when the release date for Maleficent came onscreen.

I think I'm going to have to adjust my movie-going strategy until school is back in session so I can avoid all the teenagers, lol.
It was pretty disconcerting to have one of my first ' kids these days' moments, lol.

I was grateful they were at least respectful enough to stop talking when the movie came on. However, they just blurted out whatever came to mind during the previews, which is how I learned one of them was a mother and her daughter's birthday is October 18th, for example, because she felt she had to comment loudly about that when the release date for Maleficent came onscreen.

I think I'm going to have to adjust my movie-going strategy until school is back in session so I can avoid all the teenagers, lol.

Yup id bet at the early shows theyre not around :lau but probly moms with little ones are? I avoid it altogether with mine
Good morning Pond. That is dew on my lily pad, right ?

Anybody got a spare chain? :caf

Could have borrowed mine. I'm exercising discretion.

Sometimes I really do think I'm a crazy magnet. That's probably how I ended up at The Pond. :lau

*Note to self; Start thread surfing with a friend. Any volunteers?/QUOTE]

I'd surf along, but that would be double the 'crazy magnet'.
HEY!!! Guess what?!?!?!? I don't stink anymore!!! :wee
We got our power back and as soon as the water heater warmed up in the shower I went!!! Boy did that feel good. I had to control myself so I didn't use up all the hot water before my poor DH had a chance.
89 hours without power wasn't a lot of fun but at least it wasn't winter and we were able to finance the fuel for the two generators with the money set aside for our anniversary trip. That's ok. With all the clean up that needs to be done and the potential funeral road trip in the near future, this is no time for running away. Besides, did I mention I have team training (I think that's what it's for) all day Thursday in the "big" town for the census job I start next week. I was re-thinking doing this again but that extra money is going to really come in handy now. We'll just have to make our anniversary getaway a special color trip in the fall instead. Tomorrow we're going to go see if we can lend a hand to some folks that don't have their power back yet.
Now I'm going to crawl between the sheets, watch Deadliest Catch and enjoy not having to get up to refuel anything (and not lay awake listening for a generator to quit).
Have a good evening pond pals :hugs
Excellent news!
It does always seem to work that way - "I have a little money set aside for something fun... what? The refrigerator quit? Funny, I have the money to fix it..."
Mornin' Pond
-Elderly neighbor lady has a dentist appointment (I'm taking her since it's going to require some sedation) this morning. She's been on the phone every day to remind me. :hmm
-Mom goes home Friday but has begun the "I think I should stay" thing.
- Piano lessons all afternoon.

And, we're heating up. It's really been cooler this summer, so we're due. 110 by the weekend.
So apparently I guess teenagers don't know about Cats the musical?

I went to see the new Lion King tonight - I have tomorrow off and like to do my theater-going late night on weekdays because the theaters tend to be pretty empty. I especially like to do this when I'm going to see a 'kids' movie because, well, I don't like kids :oops:

The only flaw in my plan is that school is out, whoops. So there were actually quite a few teenagers there. I think I was the oldest person in the theater. During the previews they were being fairly obnoxious and I was worried that I would have to tell a particularly large group to shut up, but luckily they quieted down when the movie started. Anyway, I digress.

One of the previews was for a movie they are making of Cats. The actors are CGI'd to look like, well, cats. The comments the teenagers immediately started making and kept making all the way through made me instantly realize that they had NO idea what Cats was.

So I felt old, and I was probably only barely ten years older than they all were, lol.
Hmmmm, had to think about this. The last time I sat in a theater was when I was working at a junior college and "chaperoned" a bunch on a bus trip to Great America in the 80's and me and the other chaperone spent most of the day in the air conditioned Imax theater watching something that was clearly put together for the wow factor. Since then I was either too busy working or had moved to where if there were a theater within a 100 miles it was so old, small and overrun with kids that it wasn't worth the money and time.

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