Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Happy Sunny Saturday, Pond!

After spending most of the day yesterday taking care of Camp stuff, I am home today. Going to get as much done as I can so we can have fun with the grandkids tomorrow. (Hoping to bring the two local ones home for the afternoon after church.)

So, Broody Betty is at it again. I’m tempted, but we’re leaving in a week or so for a vacation. The chicks would hatch while we’re gone. Trying to decide if I want to set her or not. I can easily separate her so we wouldn’t have to worry about removing extra eggs from the nest, staggered hatches and all that. My house/animal sitter could let them out with the rest of the flock after a week or so. But the chickens won’t be free ranging much while we’re gone, and closing her off will take up about 1/3 of the coop space. Although they will also have run space… I should probably figure it out soon. I have decided to eliminate one rooster before we go, so there won’t be two of them penned up together. I just don’t think that would go well. It has worked when they can all free range, but I think it would cause too much stress if they were penned up together for a couple of weeks.
I decided to set her. I gave her 10 eggs on a nest on the floor. She typically likes to set in a nest box a couple of feet off the floor, but I don’t want anyone to have to put them on the floor once they hatch. (Even with a lip in the front, I worry about one falling out and dying before the others are all hatched or ready to leave the nest.) I decided to have her hatch them I a controlled environment rather than break her and have her go broody again while we’re gone.

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