Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Morning all:frow  :hugs  Weird morning. I always fall asleep to the same tv shows. This morning I woke up to some woman singing the most beautiful version of "Oh Holy Night"-my moms favorite Christmas song. The a couple religious shows came. on. I will usually only listen to Joyce Meyers but I couldn't find the remote and didn't want to wake Bill so I sat and listened as I checked my computer. I heard 2 very important messages-one of how God's plan isn't always ours and how he uses insignificant people and moments to bless others and a message on leaving old baggage behind and offer forgiveness. I have had a rough end to the year but have been through much worse and have made it through stronger and better. I have to remember and trust this and wait patiently know that everything is as it should be :love  

Ok-now on a lighter note.... Nothing like waking up to a pic of Phil's wiener!!!! :lau  Better trim it up Phil or that hair is gonna get all matted up and give you snow balls!!! :gig

Good lessons for sure! You never know how folks you encounter will change your life and you theirs. In my first career I was a probation/parole agent. One of my dearest friends whom I call upon for prayer and advice was once one of my probationers. Years before life had overwhelmed him and he got in some minor trouble. Now he does mission work on two continents.
Especially for Phil

You know it's a bad day when you get your wiener stuck in the snow...
Have a good day my friend
It's a sick lot here at the Pond = SMH. I don't think that kid has been around, but my lily pad is wet this morning. Oh yeah, good morning to all = both perverted and non.

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