Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Good morning to Islands in the Muck. Grandson's team won their second game 8 to nothing. I opted out of the 8:30 game but the Princess went. They won that game 6 to 1 to win the tournament. Two tournaments so far (18 teams to tournament) and they have been first and second. It's a high powered team. Grandson just moved up to this team and has been fine with his pitching and fielding but has had a problem hitting against the pitchers at this level. Yesterday he had a double and a single in the first game, a line drive that scored a kid and a walk in the second, and a strike out and got hit by a pitch in the third game. Thankfully kid who got hit in the head on Sat. does not have a concussion, but the coaches did not play him yesterday. TK, tsk, tsk.
Sounds like the kids in your area are very lucky... congrats to the gransodn...
yes sir, sour, I surely do...... we traveled to San Antone this Saturday for a very important league football game.....must win for our boys......we previously played this team and lost 14-6......this week, we won 12-6, in the last ten seconds of the game.......all of the boys really stepped their game up, and came ready to play. I enjoy coaching and seeing these boys have success.
Good deal... hope they continue to do well...
My teenage Campines are so obedient! They put themselves to bed each night and even segregate the sexes without being asked.
The pullet on the end doesn't look pleased she got the spot next to the stinky boys, lol...
Good morning peeps! Just checked to make sure I hadn't inadvertently unsubscribed - tis a tad quiet today
At least you get notifs... for some reason this thread is one I don't get them from... :/
ramble on whenever you want.... Glad your pain level is down this morning. I cut back on pain mess when I can... I did the other day for a couple days when I was feeling okay... Went it withdrawals though that's never fun. Wouldn't take them at all if it wasn't for the fact that they help keep me active without them if sit around too much and I always have to be doing something. Can't stand sitting around. Guess I missed the storm of a century last night. Took something to make me sleep slept right through it. They say the lightning and thunder was non stop and then it hailed.... When i tell people I slept through it they look at me like I'm crazy. One of my AC's spent the night outside. We got a Thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and when I tried to put here away she ran and his under my camper. After the Storm I couldn't find her. She showed back up this morning. I finally went out there a few minutes ago and cut a hole in the game hopefully she will find her way back in now.
Mine love to escape and run around above the other pens... little Houdini's, lol... but they all go back in at least...
tree of live in Dark blue anodized Aluminum. Glass bead for the moon.... its flat Flourite pendants tiger eye bead group of pendants I did share here a while ago. deb
Nice work! :thumbsup
Hello all. Finished enough work, took the plants out for some sun, and now trying to figure out if I want to put a stepping stone pathway in the grass. Decisions, decisions. Beautiful wire work Deb!
Love stepping stone paths... hate putting them in, lol...

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