Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank


It's just the light, they have a full waterer.

73% of total fertile eggs and 85% of the eggs that made it to lockdown so far, not bad for my second ever hatch and first duck hatch.
not too shabby at all
Quote: Rooster bits are very tasty!
Finally one that understand in good good!
took me all day to finally catch up.

I would try everything... once or twice even if I didnt care for it i would try it again cooked differently. Even horse. though I would not prefer it. the thing I would draw the line at would be endangered species. Or animals harvested unethically...

OK I'm trying to remember comments regarding my Cochin question.

He hatched Jan 11th. The Pond has unanimously dubbed it a cockrel. And I think it was Oz who asked about a parent pic.




These were eBay hatching eggs out of Georgia, and these were the pics from the guy selling them. There's always the possibility of him yanking my chain about whether he'll be a standard or bantam. Doesn't matter I guess. Neither does the gender for that matter.

Thanks for all the feedback.
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Good Sunday morning Pondies!

Morning Oz.

Today is the 3rd anniversary since my Mom passed away. Kinda blah morning.

Light a candela for her soul, make some food that she loved to eat, and remember and discuss with your love ones about her especially about common experiences you have had together. That will help you, and don't let her memory to be forgotten. And if you can visit her grave and give tribute to her memory it will be good.
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