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Morning fellow Ponders! Boy are the fall colors pretty this morning. :love
Just checkin' in. Whew! busy week! Two trips to the walk-in clinic with the DH (waiting on the test results :fl not as worried now, he's doing much better), finally had a killing frost so today I can finally start prepping the bed for the fall garlic, only one more zoom thing this evening and Constitution Week is over,(happy belated Constitution Day yesterday to fellow Americans- BTW-How many of you knew that that is an actual national holiday? Bet Al knew, kind of a big deal in Texas), for anyone who doesn't remember this enormous life event ;) last winter I took a 12 week course on the Constitution. Since then I've been doing a lot of studying, got involved with another institution and I am now a Constitution Coach in training. Been practicing on family first, of course, before I take on hosting my own Constitution courses.
BUT, now I need to get busy on the "before the snow flies" stuff.
“This is Judy I wanted to let you guys know when I didn’t know how to do that so I’m glad you text me and Ken has brain cancer and it’s not expected to live may be another month anytime I guess so I am really dealing with a lot of stuff and could use a lot of prayers.”
“he has no pain so far so we praise the Lord for that his legs are giving out on him so it makes it hard for me to help him but that’s what I do of course Hospices called in and they are here but they’re not here but they’re here so just pray that the Lord gives me the strength to get through this.”
Im so sorry to hear this! My prayers are with you both!

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