Welded Wire Fence- Pros and Cons?

If you look at "My Coop" page you can see the chicken yard I did using this exact same fencing (5' high). My thinking was:

1. My flock was going from a free range situation to being contained, and I didn't want them to be penned into a tiny pen that would be nothing but dirt or mud most of the time. So, I created a "yard" for them that is 240x60. They still have grass to forage and tons of bugs, plus a tree right in the yard, so they

Can you post an updated pic of the actual run on your "coop" page ?? I wanna see how it turned out.
Welded wire is great but I'd go with a hardware cloth dig skirt underneath and have it come up at least 2 or 3 feet up the sides so you protect against predators reaching in and pulling chicken parts through the 2"X 4" holes.
As far as welded wire goes for use in gardens and coops, it is much better than chicken wire, mainly because of strength. Welded wire is wire that is welded to create a sheet of material. Most welded wire is made of galvanized stainless steel, but over time the weld joints themselves will begin to rust fence will start to loose integrity, which is why I'd probably opt for a vinyl coated welded wire, which is a bit more expensive but aesthetically does looks a lot better and will last about 30 - 40% than the regular galvanized wire. The only think I'm not sure about is whether the chickens would peck at, and or eat the coating.
Lots of predators lurking around and mine has been safe so far. Built of landscape ties with 2x4s to hold 3-foot fencing. I put 1" chicken wire on the inside to keep the chickens and ducks from getting within reach of the outside fencing. Not too expensive to do it that way and I figured racoons have sort of short arms.
Something was digging under and reaching in to swipe the duck eggs that were laid next to the fence, so I attached scrap fencing to the bottom of the wire on the outside with zip ties - problem solved.

It is 6-foot high and on a hillside. The hardest part was diggin 2-foot holes in the clay and rock to anchore the posts spaced 8-foot apart. Then put down ties laid on trenches filled with crushed stone and everything was braced and solid.

I may start working down the hillside in 8-foot increments next year. Have to keep the top covered because we have a bald eagle family just down the road and lots of hawks.

We live in a pretty urban area and sadly, one of our chickens was killed when a local teenager actually let his dog loose to attack it. Our yard's not fenced in at all.
If you dont intend to cover the coop, all sorts of critter will have a hayday killing your birds! Possums and coons are very good at this sort of thing, and fox can climb like nobodys business! Consider getting aviary flight netting- can be purchased online in many sizes( LxW) and hole sizes( 1in , 2in). Its great and not terribly expensive for large areas( usually less than welded wire, but more than chicken wire)
Giive it a try, your chickens will thank you with their life!
I found some 1x1 welded 16 gauge wire at a local feed store, 100.00 for a 4' x 100' roll. Eventually you will have a hungry something climb your fence and loose a girl or more. Also flying visitors, eagles, crows, starlings. Another reason for covering - RAIN. My girls just look out when it's raining, and I think by giving them a dry run in the winter really cuts down on illneses.

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