Well I Did It I Ordered Chicks Online For The First Time

at around 3 weeks old my roo was very noticiable it was bigger and the comb and waddles were forming when the other his age was not. on another note i have more to worry about the week my little babues are shipped the computer models that try to perdict where a hurricane or tropical storm will hit and now there is another wave that is saying it could form and head right for my back door in sitiuations like this if it happens what usually happens with the baby chicks
I just a short few days they will be shipped can not wiat to get them here also in april i have already agreed to take the chicks that my daughters class hatches out
I got my chicks from MPC last week! They arrived early Tuesday morning---I was surprised they got here so fast! I ordered 5 bantams but they sent 6 without a heat pack and they arrived happy and healthy. They're doing great! The only problem I've had is trying to dissuade my 13 yo DD that umbrella and shark aren't the type of names I want for them (the other names she picked: burrito ocean, button, tip and penguin).
Oh and last night the heat bulb (I used it last year in the brooder too) all of a sudden EXPLODED!!! Scared the poor little things to death (and me too) --there was glass everywhere but they all seemed to be fine---just scared ...and maybe slightly deaf lol. They're fine this morning.
aww so they sent you an extra chick i would love it if they sent me extra chick i ordered 8 total so since i ordered that many they might not send any extras. would love to see pics of your sweet babies. have you decided on the names yet i am waiting to see them before i name mine. I told DH that between now and April he has to extend the run and build another coop so that when the baby chicks are hatched at my daughters school i can get them he thinks i am crazy but he always gives into what i want lol. Do you know how many hens to one roo it is just want to make sure i do not get to many roos since the chicks at school will not be sexed until i can look at them and check the wings
I remember the few nights before picking up my chicks from the Post Office, I would dream about them non stop, and then on the morning I was supposed to pick them up from the PO, I would wake up every hour till 6am just to check the clock and then can't wait to get the call from the PO to go get them. I was that excited, and I know you must be feeling so excited too. Such fun.
I am so excited and so are the kids we can not wait they do not know how many we are getting just incase one does not make it in just 2 short days they will shipped out
Good Luck this week! Be sure to take pictures when they first arrive---I can't believe how much mine have grown in only two weeks--they're twice as big at least! I think its going to be a bit crowded in the coop this winter unless I get really tough with myself and give a couple away. Its amazing how each one has a different personality and even the ones I thought we would never be able to tell apart have grown slightly different feathering and temperament so it isn't hard at all to differentiate now.
I'm in the same crowded boat. I have a Hen Hoop rated for 8 chickens, but frankly, it will be comfortable for only 4 or so. Yikes. How will I decide who stays and who goes? My DH says to quit fretting and see how it works out. He thinks that they may all be fine in the smallish coop part since they will have access to the larger run part nearly all the time and free range part of every day, but I'm concerned that they will get bored and start picking at each other during the winter.

I'm secretly looking at CR for another coop that I can use for some of the hens when they outgrow their quarters. I don't know how I can part with any of them. At 3 1/2 weeks (well almost 4 now), they are such little individuals with unique personalities. Who would have thought I'd get attached to chickens?

ty i am sure it will go good this week they should be shipped out sometime tomorrow so can not wait already told hubby that between now and april he will have to extend the coop so that when my DD class hatches eggs that I can bring them home lol I have a coop that fits 20 chickens it is a 10ft X 8Ft and when these little sweet hearts arive i will have 18 total should be 17 hens and 1 roo but now 2 of my birds out side are looking like makes now to they seem to like to have face offs and fluff their neck feathers at each other i hope they are hens if not i will have to rehome them because 1 roo is enough I will post pics as soon as they get here and get settled in

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