Well I didn't think I had a predator.

We took the lid to a 5 gallon bucket, cut a hole and ran the pipe through it, squirrels can't get passed.
Problem is the pole in in the frozen ground. I have another pole on the other side of the house that doesn't have any limbs I can get a bucket on that. The problem there is that there is no window to observe the birds. The present one is right out side from kitchen sink. It is a hummingbird magnet in the summer. Hummingbird hydration station.

I wonder if I put a pole near my chicken run that the squirrel won't like the ruckus my birds will make. HMMMMMM Can you smell the smoke.
OK - can't wrap my brain around that one, I would think the slinky would give them something to grab. I must need more coffee today. LOL
The slinky isn't stationary. It slides down as the squirrel climbs up. Sorta like trying to go up the down escalator.

It's kinda weird. I've had that bird feeder up for about 2 weeks. Never seen a squirrel. And the suet too. The NutHatch loves the suet. And now he can't get up the pole because of the oil I didn't know he climbed the pole to get it. I thought he just landed on the little cage. It's like the flock block. My chickens won't eat that either and it has meal worms in it. Picky chickens.
There are bird feeders you can get that are squirrel-proof. They have a cage around them that the squirrel can't get through, or they have a sort of sleeve over them, attached to the perches, so that squirrel-weight things seal off all the holes but lighter birds have no issues.
There are bird feeders you can get that are squirrel-proof. They have a cage around them that the squirrel can't get through, or they have a sort of sleeve over them, attached to the perches, so that squirrel-weight things seal off all the holes but lighter birds have no issues.
Where would I get something like that.
I got mine in the pet/bird section of a grocery store. Amazon is probably good, you can look at reviews.
A lot of the perch-trigger ones can be adjusted, so you can decide exactly how much weight you want to trip the trigger. I know mine had to be fine-tuned a bit so it wouldn't sink when a dove landed on it. Two doves at a time would trip it, but they would just stare at it for a moment and then jump down to pick up the seeds off the ground anyway, so that worked fine. Squirrels would jump onto the perch, paw at it a bit, and then leave.

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