Well I didn't think I had a predator.

Chickens might prefer their food on the ground, which is soft, instead of on a hard surface. If shallow tins don't work, try deeper tins. Heck, put a layer of dirt on the bottom of a tin!
The turkeys could possibly bring disease with them, like any wild bird, but shouldn't harm your chickens otherwise aside from being a bit spooky with how big they are.
If it's really cold and they don't want to be outside to eat, why not feed them in the coop?
Chickens might prefer their food on the ground, which is soft, instead of on a hard surface. If shallow tins don't work, try deeper tins. Heck, put a layer of dirt on the bottom of a tin!
The turkeys could possibly bring disease with them, like any wild bird, but shouldn't harm your chickens otherwise aside from being a bit spooky with how big they are.
If it's really cold and they don't want to be outside to eat, why not feed them in the coop?
I have a feeder in there and change (frozen) water out every hour. It's a small run the upstairs coop is fine. They are still getting to know each other and I want to make sure all of the birds get food. The food in the feeder is not high protein for the winter either. Like I said the did alright at -9F. The only time they don't like being outside is if the wind is up and out of the NW. I do stay outside with them to keep watch for predators. So far so good with that. I also have a water heater and 2 gallon metal waterer outside for them. No way right now to get cord into run. Hen house is frozen to the ground. Supposed to get 1-3 inches of rain Friday into Saturday. So hopefully all snow is gone and I can run cord into coop for heater.
LOL I think they must!
Metal is better. May want to get some bungee cords to strap down the lids too. I have not had it happen, but a neighbor had raccoons that could take the lids of the metal ones even when the lids fit fairly snug. The raccoons have yet to figure out the bungee cords and it's been couple of years.
Ha the damned squirrels chewed off my bungee cords. We got about 10 inches of snow and when I brushed it off the metal can lid I said, " Where are my bungee cords". Two fo them were still attached to the bail but you could see where the squirrels and chew them into 2 pieces. I found another on the ground and the fourth piece is buried in the snow. So them squirrels ruined that "fix". But that's ok I put the last of my pellets in my feeder inside the run. I have scratch in that can but I really pushed the lid down tight. Tomorrow I'm going to TSC and get a CHAIN. And a padlock. I wanna see them chew through a chain. And I was banking up the run today and found a hole about 5 inches in diameter on the corner through the snow. I guess they were digging. I don't know it they can get in because the house is frozen to the ground. I have that heavy duty tarp all around. But I filled the hole and packed it with snow again. And some chunks of frozen rain cover snow. I'll just have to check it every day. I am not feeding my birds outside recently because of the weather. I don't like them out when it is snowing because I don't want them to get wet. We had snow, rain, sleet Tues and Wed. What a mess.

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