Well I have pips again...and eggs coming!


12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
I have a small batch of Coturnix eggs that are due today into tomorrow. I just checked the bator to add water and saw pips and eggs rocking. This batch should have the following colors...

Red Tuxedo
Golden Italian/Manchurian

Only about 12-15 eggs.....but I have 2-3 dozen eggs coming in the mail! They include, Tuxedo, Golden, Golden Ginger, Ginger, and British Dark Range.
I will!!! Really hoping they hatch....this group would have been over 30 eggs but the thermometer I was using was just a cheapo from walmart that I got at the last minute to use in my one bator....But I just checked....have 3 eggs with visible pips and 2 eggs rocking. Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up and have lots of chicks...well lots meaning 5-7 out of the 12 hopefully. More would be nice too!
I love quail and am so interested in them. I was wondering what do you do with them?? I know you keep them to breed and hatch them but what are other uses for them?? Do people buy the adult birds?? I would love to try to hatch out some in the future but am not sure what to do with them once I have them??

This may not be the right thread to ask this but I am curious:frow
Don't worry about thread jacking. I will have lots of hatching eggs and birds avaliable this spring/summer. I use my birds for breeding....meat...and eggs. Also have people that buy them to train dogs.
Can't wait to see the babies from this batch!! Oh yeah one more quail question...
Do people eat quail eggs like chicken eggs ??? I know they are small but just curious....again.
1 Golden chick out! The chick is mostly white so I will be interested to see what she/he grows into.
4 More eggs pipped.

As of this morning I have...

2 Reg.brown chicks
2 Golden chicks
1 Red Tuxedo chick

I think this might be all for this hatch. Leaving them in the bator till I get home then switching them to my temporary brooder aka the ten gallon fish tank...and in 3-4 days they will go in with the other chicks.

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