Well....I havent lost them all......


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Ok here is the UPDATE.....drum roll please..........

Out of 48eggs.....I have exactly 14 that are fertile.
Kind of upseting that I could not have had more being like that, but maybe I will get a incubator like Lone Cowboys that does everything and has a "fan" and all i have to do is wait till day 21. LOL

The rest of the eggs were clear and blood rings. Sorry Scott(aka)skeeter, none of yours made it.

I have 7 of Jodys that pulled though and 7 of another farmers eggs that pulled though!
Hopefully Jodys eggs will hatch so I can at least have my buffs that I have wanted. Either that or I will have to wait till spring to get some.

Okie dokie,
Talk with everyone later!
Some people are not aware that a fertile egg can be damaged right at the outset so that it can appear infertile-in other words, development is stopped almost immediately. The P.O. can really do a number on eggs even though they seem like they've arrived intact and undamaged.
very true speckled hen,although it was only about a 300 mile trip for them,but the Portland PO is brutal,although i am very sorry they arnt viable,when you get done with this batch maybe I can get some more too you if you wish
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It's very true if they die off in the first days they look to be non-fertile. I never try to hope for more than a 50% hatch on shipped eggs. So much can go wrong and shipping is hard on them.

I figure if I get more than 50% its GREAT. If I get less, well it happens. I've had some batches that have done very poorly...zero or just one chick. I've had others that were over 90%.

A LOT can go wrong with incubating....start to finish.

Be happy you have some doing well !!

Skeeter...I am not mad at you, nor ever will I be. The eggs being the way they ended up was COMPLETLY my fault!!!! You are never to blame and do not worry about more eggs, I will probably end up damaging them too if you send them. Thank you so much for offering though!

Its really ok, I am happy with what I have and could not ask for more, well maybe but that is just greedy of me.

Now I am hoping they hatch...go babies go!

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