Well, I talked them into it! (PIC HEAVY!!)

Today the chicks have learned to fly. Well, not exactly fly, more like running while flapping their wings.
It's so cute to watch them scurry across the brooder and bump into each other.

Now if only I could learn how to upload things onto Youtube, I could post some cute videos......
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Oh, they are so cute! I wish I had taken pictures of my chicks once they hatched, but their mothers are all game hens and are kinda mean, haha! Luckily for me, they've learned that I'm the one who feeds them and like to jump on my shoulders. Whenever they do, they get a treat. However, since they know I feed them, it's so scary to feed them.

I've locked myself up in the coop alone before. The chickens are all watching through the wire as I look into the nest boxes for eggs. When I find none, I go to the feed container. It's a large aluminum trash can. I open it up and the lid screeches.

Suddenly, my calm flock has become ravenous. Our older hens bob in and out of each other, pushing against the wire to get inside the coop. Our younger cockerels jump at the walls, a black Australorp climbing up the wire in a desperate effort to find his way inside. And suddenly, there is a scratching sound against the aluminum roof of the coop. The younger chicks have managed to fly onto the roof and are now trying to find a way in through the tiny holes alongside the coop's roof.

I swear, it's like a horror film. The aliens from "Signs" have nothing on my chickens when it comes to finding a way to the food.

....I got distracted. Your babies are so adorable. I wish mine were adorable. *shudders*
You are going to love your Marans. Mine are beautiful and have quite the personality, always having something to say. I also love their "chocolate" eggs.
Well today was a sad day in the nursery. I am extremely saddened to say that little NutMeg and Peggy passed away last night. I do not why, I just found them dead in the brooder.
I am very bummed, and as a precaution I have added electrolytes to their water, and changed their feed.

Anyways, other than that, everyone else has been fine. They've been dustbathing in the shavings all evening and really enjoying themselves.

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