Well I thought they looked pretty cool so I got em. .. What are they?


9 Years
Aug 27, 2010
I saw these at an auction and the bids were low so I just got em. Any idea what they are? Are they all roos because they all have big combs. Also sorry about the lack of tail feathers, i dk what happened to them. Sorry they won't let me get too close.

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All roos, probably mixed breeds. They might have had their tail feathers pecked out if they were confined with too many other birds. I'll bet they grow out nicely
No, you spelled it right. But they are EasterEggers.

I would say pure Ameraucanas - but the one is obviously a mix with the red and that leads me think (along with them being bought at auction) that they are mutts and not the real thing. It's possible that it is leakage on the blues, but unlikely given the circumstances.
Yeah I thought they were prob ee because I didn't think that was an acceptable color. I have actually gotten some bbs ameraucanas and blue OEGB but my roo has some yellowish red like a blue wkeayen or lemon blue if that makes sense. But I bought sone of the prettiest silkies from there so I was hop in for these to be ameraucana pullets
I have some that look like those and they are EE crosses. They look like roos to me. I like the coloring though.
Me too ugh I so didn't want them to be Roos. I wish there was a sex change 4 chickens.

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