Well I was in the back yard "multi tasking" with a shovel in one hand I was turning off the water hose, and going to put away the shovel and take the quilt off the line. All in the mist of these duties my 30 week old RIR roo came up to me and Flogged me in the leg. My only reaction was to knock him with the shovel. I'm not kidding, I hit to kill, and he did a back flip and ran away. I was positive that if I did'nt kill him then, he would sertainly die from internal injuries. He ran off by himself and went to the front of the house at the frond door and was squalking something fearce, as loud as he could. As if telling on me. I went over there to see if there were any cuts, guts, blood anywhere. nope. The rest of the afternoon, he stayed way off in the distance from us and all my hens stayed right up underneith my feet. Next day, back to normal. I'm worried that he'll try this with my kids and I'll have to kill him for sure. He left a bruse on my leg. Stinker! A few days prior I had notice he was getting very close, I just figured it was cause they thought I was giving goodies.