Well, we blew it - We are on Day 23 of Duck Incubation and the Air Sack is Day 14

Do you count the day you start them as Day 1? If so, it is Day 26. I was thinking the first day was Day 0, but that is wrong, isn't it. These are Pekins and Mallard/Pekin mixes. There are 5 who have externally pipped. One is on the wrong side of the air cell, so I made a small hole over the bruised area and exposed the beak like it said in the article. He is moving. We painted all the membranes that are exposed with coconut oil and upped the humidity to 65%. The termperature is 37.5 C. A 6th just pipped externally. This is crazy!
WVduckchick air vents are open.
This is so weird!!! We are 3-4 days early. All are either externally pipped (7) or actively internally pipped (moving like crazy). Except 1 which pipped on the wrong end and we made a safety hole and applied coconut oil. OK, my daughter realized what actually is happening and why they are hatching 3-4 days early. We placed them in the incubator in the barn with the lid closed thinking we were going to incubate outside. The cats were very interested so we held off on starting and put them in the garage after 3-4 days and then started them in the garage. I bet that their temperature rose enough in the incubator to "start" them even without the heat lamp. Plus, the vents were closed so that may have increased the temp a bit. Well, Lord willing, this will be the lamest attempt at incubation with a successful outcome because of all of your help. @HeatherKellyB @WVduckchick

New duck mommy 2021

Happy Update. All 17 are either internally pipped or externally pipped. One was shrink wrapped after starting to externally pip. We had not upped the moisture at that point. So we put coconut oil on the membrane and peeled back enough to expose the beak. We painted all the membranes with oil and put him back in. A few hours later, we repeated it and pulled off some of the shell over the air cell that had no blood vessels. Little guy is still chewing and yawning, so still absorbing the yolk, so we are going to wait until the blood vessels dry over the shrinkwrapped parts to peel that back. We hear lots of peeps!

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