Welsh Harlequin Breeding Thread - People who are breeding or want to breed their WH's talk

Ahh, I see. Welsh drakes are pretty cute! Mine isnt doing "the deed" he is trying hard though! He has the agressiveness down! He likes to chase me around the yard! The little jerk lol. He chases my chickens down too. Not to mate, hes warning them to stay away from his ladies. NO ONE messes with his ladies lol. He sure is pretty though, and adorable!
The poor hen. My drake mates with his 2 hens as much as they will let him. He's always busy and he needs at least 2 more ladies so he can leave these other 2 alone a bit.

Your drakes are not really mating each other though, it's one showing the other who is dominate. This is very normal with drakes when they are competing with the ladies or in your case the lady.
Thanks, I rinsed it off. What's the best way to turn them each day until incubation? Should I open one to double check for fertility even though I seen the deed being done?

Any comments on welshes being broody?


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