Welsh Harlequin Breeding Thread - People who are breeding or want to breed their WH's talk

I don't lock them up at night but they all go to the coop on their own at night. I plan on starting to lock them up for security just in case. I have been lucky and only lost one bird to predators in the past year.
I don't lock them up at night but they all go to the coop on their own at night. I plan on starting to lock them up for security just in case. I have been lucky and only lost one bird to predators in the past year.

I would lock them up, so you can find the eggs. Do they have a pool? Look in there, my laid a egg in the water...wh
everyone. My eggs hatched out last week. Only 2 made it. I couldn't get the incubator high enough on the humidity portion. But I do have 2 ducklings. One boy named Mo short for Mohawk and a girl named Harmony. I'm setting eggs again in a few days once I get this humidity thing under control. I live in the desert so that does not help me.

Here's their pictures.

Super cute Reno , good luck with them

This question is to some of the more experienced WH breeders here.
I know we will all have our own level of culling, depending on the amount of stock we have.
At what age do you start to cull the ducklings for other than the most obvious disqualifications( deformities) ?
What doesn't make the grade?
Why do you have the ducks? If it is for eggs, you can cull the males as soon as you can identify that they are male. Or cull the males as soon as they are big enough to eat.

If you are improving stock or want to show, you don't cull until they get their adult plumage. Bill and leg color can change. Adult feather color is important.

I've got some drakes out in my pens right now that won't get their final selection until they turn 1 year old. Body shape changes as they grow older.

Anyone around here who shows defective temperament is culled immediately. No excuses accepted.

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