Welsh Harlequin Club!


Jun 3, 2018
Kansas City, MO
I couldn’t find a Harliquin club here so now there is! I just got my first 2 today! Please share photographs, videos, and stories of your Welsh Harlequins!
548CC658-5539-4332-BE48-9AFE04F1F73B.jpeg BC3FD1DF-6610-471B-A43C-C92BED5CE2BD.jpeg We have two WH and a Cayuga. Yesterday, my husband was in the bathroom, which has a window that faces out to the yard. He hears the girls kicking up a real fit and then the two Welsh Harlequins come running over to in front of the window and keep quacking up a storm at him. He goes outside to see what’s going on and the Cayuga had gotten through the fence and was in the garden in the side yard. The two Harlequins, Rebeccah and Jemima had found my husband to tell on their sister Sonia!
I don't have WHs but I think I may add some to my flock next year - either WH or Harlequin Runners. If you all don't mind, I think I'll hang out with you for a while to see all your pretty pictures and hear all your stories! ;)
View attachment 1562044 View attachment 1562047 We have two WH and a Cayuga. Yesterday, my husband was in the bathroom, which has a window that faces out to the yard. He hears the girls kicking up a real fit and then the two Welsh Harlequins come running over to in front of the window and keep quacking up a storm at him. He goes outside to see what’s going on and the Cayuga had gotten through the fence and was in the garden in the side yard. The two Harlequins, Rebeccah and Jemima had found my husband to tell on their sister Sonia!
Here are a few more of my girls. The first two are from a few months ago. The third is a little more recent... September maybe. Jemima is the one with the darker head, Rebeccah has the lighter markings. It made it very easy to tell them apart. Unfortunately, Jemima is lightening up, but I can still tell the difference - just not as quickly.
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Well it turns out I don’t actually have any harlequins. The boy might be Ancona and the girl a mix as she has the right color bill and feet and base color, but no markings of any kind.

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