Welsh Harlequin

The eggs under my little broody WH have started hatching!
She was hissing the entire time I was snapping photos, so I didn't check to see if any more had hatched.

When she goes broody, she's determined to be a mommy, so rather than try to break her up, I put chicken eggs under her since I didn't have any fertile duck eggs. But that's ok...she's hatched out chicks before and has raised them all just as well as she has her ducklings.
are my girls gold or silver phase
PeepNQuack- What are you using for diapers now? My little one has outgrown the sock idea. LOL
there's a lady that hand makes duck and chicken diapers. You just measure your duck and send her an email. It shows how to measure them. She will make it and send it to you. There's a variety of colors and patterns to choose from. I may be able to send you a link to the website if you'd like :) it doesn't harm the ducks and you can adjust the diapers if your ducks needs them a bit smaller or bigger.
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