Welsh Harlequin





Here is my WH. I have 3 sliver and 7 gold.
Well I think Percy is a girl. She started the honk/quack thing tonight still very early but I think we got a she!! Woot. So excited for that small glimmer of hope. Yeah for almost quacking!
My 9 Welsh Harlequins were cracking me up yesterday. We got a couple inches of snow the night before. I let them out of their duck house in the morning but they didnt realized it had snowed. They come barreling out of the duck house and once they touched the snow they all dropped to the ground and tucked their feet up into their wings. It was either too cold for them or they were afraid of the snow. Either way it was hilarious. These ducks definately dont like change.

Just sharing . . .

Here's a recent picture of our 3 Welsh Harlequin littles', along with their older 'siblings', our Pekin and our Khaki Campbell . . .



my girls when they were 8 weeks old in October, they dont like the -35 wind chill so they have a spot in the basement now lol
Where do you guys recommend I buy my welsh harlequins? I think I might get 2.

Holderread has really nice Welshies, but I think you need to buy a minimum of 10 and they are not sexed. That's probably not going to work if you only want two. I can recommend Metzer farms if you want only 2 ducks and are having them as pets. They also sex them at Metzers so if you wanted 2 females or a pair they can do that for you. I have Metzer's welshies and they are very sweet and really quiet duckies.
+1 on Metzer - I wanted only female Welshies, so I got 3 WH females in September from Metzer - beautiful ducks, healthy as can be and all the have great personalities.

Metzer was a pleasure to work with as well.



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