Welsummer Bantam Hatching Eggs


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Land of Lincoln
After having all kinds of PM's about wanting some Welsummer Bantams eggs, I decided to go ahead and reserve all the eggs for next weeks shipping. Remember the eggs can vary from hours old to six or seven days old. I have only two hens (pictured below) so that is all you will be expected to get. It may or may not complete up to a doz (or more if one can put out before it is boxed up). If I end up getting LESS than 8 eggs, this auction will be null and void. I can not guarantee after the box leaves my hands and shipping is hard on eggs.

Shipping and handling for lower 48 states. We are NOT NPIP and shipping will be sent PRIORITY MAIL.

These are the eggs the girls came out of. As for the rooster, I have no idea of his egg color he hatched out from but he was supposed to be dark tan. Mark Montgomery was his breeder out in SC. He has the same lines as mine originally came from. Their eggs are little tad darker and their breeder told me to keep all darker eggs and try to find a likewise rooster from darker eggs too, cull out out the light tan layers.

See the difference between the bantam eggs on the left and a LF Welsummer egg on the right.


Oh there will NOT be any LF eggs in the lot. My LF hens are not laying yet.
I am only offering it on BYC auction sites. I am not able to take down names for waiting lists because it was so unpredictable how well or how long the girls will lay. They have been laying for a month now.

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