Welsummer bantam sitting on duck eggs

It was cracked down the side length ways and the hole is quite big. It has broken my heart, shall I put the last egg back with Jemima, I can hear it pipping and squeaking inside.


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How are you going to keep the humidity up? so the duckling doesn't get shrink wrapped that's when the membrane dries out so much it makes it hard for the duckling to get out.
I'm so sorry about the other one.

Is there any way you can sit with her to watch how she is acting towards the ducking [egg]

Just in case I'd get a brooder set up because you may have to have the duckling inside with you.

How much has the duckling pipped the egg externally?
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Try a small styrofoam cooler perhaps or some kind of a box that has a bit of insulation to keep the heat and humidity in. Put a light bulb in it. Like a gooseneck desk lamp maybe so it's not touching the styrofoam. We don't want a meltdown or fire. I only say styrofoam because it's a good insulator. You could probably use a box or regular igloo cooler too.

Put a little bowl of water in the box/cooler to get the humidity up. the more surface area of the water bowl the better. It's not the deepness of the water it's the surface area that makes the most humidity. It should be at 70% if you've got a humidity gauge.

You'll have to cover the box/cooler with something to keep the heat and humidity inside. Maybe some plastic but it still has to have ventilation?

Keep a close eye on it because you don't want the duckling to hatch while your asleep and then drown in the humidity bowl of water. I never leave my ducklings in the incubator long after they hatch. As soon as they are separated from the shell completely I put them in the brooder.

It will be alone so have a mirror and maybe a little stuffed animal for it to cuddle with so it won't be lonely. Best of luck!
Thank you. I have had the egg with me all night in a warmed rice sock. It is still peeping and has externally pipped overnight. Could I bring jemima into the house in box and put her next to me to keep an eye on her

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