Welsummer, Speckled Sussex, or Light Brown Leghorn?

file image of welsummer chicks
They are too young to tell. Those three breeds look very similar at this age, and with hatchery birds, you can't really go by the markings. Post pics of the comb and earlobes at 8 weeks.

You will be able to tell pretty soon if it's a SS or not...as it feathers out.
Just curious, how come you can’t go by markings with hatchery birds? I’m over here scrolling through pics trying to determine chicken breed by markings lol.
Well.... with hatchery birds they don't always look like they're supposed to. Hatcheries are more interested in quantity as opposed to quality. They are still wonderful birds, they just might not look anything like the SOP for their breed. :)
Ohhh ok. I did not know that. So in order to get true to it’s kind breeds, one would? Find an individual that raises such breeds? Thanks so much for responding. 😊

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