Went to a Bonfire last night...


14 Years
Aug 30, 2009
Mt Repose, OH
My Coop
My Coop
We have a lot of neighbors because of how our house sits on the block. 5 properties touch ours, and our chickens are back in the large section, so all 5 plus a couple other houses can see them. So far, so good!

But the neighbor in the the way back, started talking to hubby when he was working outside yesterday, we got invited to their bonfire last night. A couple other neighbors were there. I now have 3 porches to drop eggs off at! Everyone thought having chickens was great, they asked a lot of questions and were really cool about it. I've never had neighbors THAT happy about it! Turns out, most didn't even know they were back there.

You should have seen the eyes light up on this one gentleman, he all put popped out of his chair and hugged me! Here, you can spend $2.50 + a dozen for "natural" eggs, $3.50+ for organics. Or drive 40 minutes in any direction and get them from a farm for $2... but the drive doesn't make it worth it. He was so excited that I would just drop them off when I had extras. Which I do, all the time.

Lot of fun, and the girls got a lot of positive feedback!
Sounds like a great night w/ some new friends.
Glad you had fun & were the talk of the party!

My neighbors are all okay about it.

At work, I mention I have chickens and I either get a horrified expression - and "You have CHICKENS??!!" or an intense curiousity and questions about keeping them - the number one question is, "So, you must live in the country?" No, I have a 1/3 acre lot in a neighborhood...

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