We're in winter yet my chicken is broody


May 12, 2020
I'm really worried about my girl. She's not supposed to be laying eggs and is locked in at 4.30pm as it's dark by then. This morning she ran off before feeding herself and I thought I had lost her, I found her in the old coup, there was six eggs in there with her :( so she's been doing this for a while.

Would anyone have any ideas please?

I just read on this site that we can get eggs to hatch and leave them with a broody hen at point of hatching. I don't know if it's to early for this here in UK to get eggs? Has anyone ever used this method before? Would my chickens just kill the chicks as they hatch?

Producing more chickens was not a plan of mine so I haven't thought this through, but to keep my girls contented if that's what is needed then that is what I will do. Now thinking incubators. Where does this end
I'm really worried about my girl. She's not supposed to be laying eggs and is locked in at 4.30pm as it's dark by then. This morning she ran off before feeding herself and I thought I had lost her, I found her in the old coup, there was six eggs in there with her :( so she's been doing this for a while.

Would anyone have any ideas please?

I just read on this site that we can get eggs to hatch and leave them with a broody hen at point of hatching. I don't know if it's to early for this here in UK to get eggs? Has anyone ever used this method before? Would my chickens just kill the chicks as they hatch?

Producing more chickens was not a plan of mine so I haven't thought this through, but to keep my girls contented if that's what is needed then that is what I will do. Now thinking incubators. Where does this end
If she's in the old coop leave her there. It takes about 21 days for chicks to develop then hatch. Mine sometimes kill the chicks, so I'd leave her there until the chicks can find for them self. Make sure the hen gets out to poop, eat, and drinks. You candle the eggs, use a flashlight in a dark room, put the flash light under the egg, and you can see if anything is developing. It's really cool to see them move around in their egg! Hope this helps, I can probably answer other questions you have.
I'm sorry I must not of explained myself very well...
I only have hens I've never thought of breeding, but wondered if I should get eggs to hatch because she's upset and broody. But the weather here is not good, I'm learning about chickens and need a little direction on how to help my very broody little girl.
I'm sorry I must not of explained myself very well...
I only have hens I've never thought of breeding, but wondered if I should get eggs to hatch because she's upset and broody. But the weather here is not good, I'm learning about chickens and need a little direction on how to help my very broody little girl.
OH, sorry. Yeah you can get her some eggs, or she probably will adopted chicks.
If you have a big dog cage put her in there wins she is supper broody and you know she not gonna leave her eggs, like 3-5 days to be safe. Also you don't want the eggs to get wet
I have just replied and my post is lost.

She's has never had fertile eggs, I only had chickens for the eggs and now love these girls. The old coup was in a bad state, so even if she had eggs to hatch I couldn't possibly leave her there. She's just brooding and I'm trying to find a solution for her welfare.

Thanks for your reply :)
If you have a big dog cage put her in there wins she is supper broody and you know she not gonna leave her eggs, like 3-5 days to be safe. Also you don't want the eggs to get wet
So leave eggs with her?
That's going to be done, I hate myself for taking them off her today.

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