Western Massachusetts

One more piece of info that may effect the introduction process: Little Lolo is a year old and we just found out that the pullet we are getting was hatched on March 27th which will make her about 7 weeks when we bring her home this weekend. Those girls are growing fast! We decided to name her Camilla. Not very original but my husband and I are lifelong Muppet fans and can't resist naming our first hen after our favorite fictional chicken.

Does anyone know of any breeders of Marans here in Western,MA or within a reasonable distance? Im looking for 4 Marans Pullets.

i searched high and low for people selling marans. i finally bought some chicks about 2 months ago from somebody i met in new york but i lost their contact number. When these grow out i will breed them and be selling chicks but that wont be for awhile. If you find anyone nearby that is selling them please let me know, i would like to purchase more
Hi All, thought I'd say hi i here....I'm in Sunderland, and have a flock of 10 right now. Been chickening for 3 years. love it! :)
Hi all! I'm in Hancock! We just got our chicks in March, so they've just started to lay :eek:) I haven't read though everything, so I'm not sure how close any of y'all are to me
Hi Williams, and welcome. I live in Holyoke, not sure just how far Hancock is from here. I just got my chicks in May so they haven't started laying yet. Can't wait, hope they start soon.
Is anyone on here familiar with the auction / farmers market that happens in Whately MA? Or anywhere near Southampton for that matter.

I am trying to find out more information on it as I have some extra Roos uh like 8 that I need to get rid of. I have a Black Copper Maran, Black / Splash English Orpingtons and some others so I was hoping that someone might actually want them instead of culling them. They are only 2mths old and super cute. If i could I would keep them, but my ratios are not THAT good :p

HI I'm from Southwick and we just built a coop from a recycled playhouse and got 4 pullets this summer. We have 2 Brown Leghorns, a Black Australorp, and a Partridge Rock. They are about 18 weeks old now so I'm starting to get hopeful about getting eggs sometime soon...Had no idea when we got them how much we would enjoy them!! They have been a great addition to our backyard. We find ourselves outside even more than we used to be just to hang out with them because they are so entertaining! My hubby thinks they are better than a fish tank when it comes to relaxation...
Hi Suburbia, welcome. I live in Holyoke, I have an assortment of 20 week old pullets that I got as day old chicks. I've been waiting very impatiently for them to start laying. One hen is almost ready. For the past few days she's been squatting when I go near her. This morning I found her in a nesting box and then she started singing the egg song but no egg yet. Maybe tomorrow. Yours should start laying soon. I know what you mean about them being entertaining, they do make my husband and I chuckle.

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