Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

Looks like your bird has a mild case and will be fine!

Kathy, would there be any reason why only my RIR have it? All 3 but none of my other breeds. I see you are the one who put all the time into your girls. I admire what you did !!! Good people are a blessing . I sure love my girls couldn't imagine
She doesn't look too bad. Just make sure she keeps eating and I'm sure she'll recover. :D


Thanks for your help, shes all better now.
Sorry for the delay in messaging.
This is a great post! I use this website for everything i need for my girls :)
I know this is old but my silkie only has the eye thing same stuff coming out no bumps but did your chicken make it? How's the eye. Was the eye from pox of a secondary something else?
Thank you very much for starting this thread

Thanks to it I was able to diagnose that our little weak black silkie has contracted a disease that seems to be dry pox that has now progressed to wet pox. Large areas of yellow inside her mouth and tongue and a large ulcer in the corner of her mouth. She has a huge appetite so I'm keeping her fed with sliced fried egg and grain moistened with LAB which is essentially a probiotic.

I had a little go at cleaning off the scabs inside her mouth, which was very painful for her, the next morning she seemed not so keen to eat. I'm a little concerned of attempting it again and making it too painful to eat and drink which from what I have read on this thread is one of the main reasons for fatalities. Do you think the sores in her mouth heal on their own? or is it advantageous to remove the scabs?

It could be the diet change but did anyone else experience that their bird got diarrhoea? Ours is passing a lot of runny white movements.
Game-over with our bird this morning.

Yesterday the wounds in her mouth seemed to be getting better and several of the large pox on her body seemed to be going white around the edges as if the skin was repairing. However more disturbingly while cleaning her rear end I also saw that she had a large pox on her vent.

This morning she suddenly started to lose her balance and kept her eyes shut, then I heard a fluttering sound and she appeared to be having her last convulsions then she swiftly died.

She was our only silkie chicken and always seemed on the frail side, having no other birds of that breed to compare her to it was hard to see whether she was small and weak or that was just the characteristics of her breed, but I have been worried about her for a few months. We won't know what killed her, Merks disease or fowl pox or something equally bad.

Keeping chickens is proving to be a lot harder that I thought it would be.

My 6 month Orpington has dry pox unsure is wet starting .. Her eyes both multiple scabs over them and sealed shut she is eating and drinking but unsure what tomorrow will bring because it was just a couple on comb then next day it was one eye and third day both eyes ( breeder told me she vaccinated for fowl pox?)
She looks similar to the black hen you posted pics of
But my question is will they go away on eyes but herself ? Putting antibiotic ointment on eyes makes me think it will keep them moist.
Should I give antibiotics like tylan to prevent secondary situations?
Anyone please help I'll post pictures tomorrow
Update on my silkie I remived whit cottage chees stuff all swelling left with it . She can open the eye but chooses not to most times do I think that she may have lost vision in it. But eating and drinking well. I'm keeping antibiotic ointment in it and tylan also for remainder 3 of 5 days I started.

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