We've been bamboozled! Gender help

No scientific nethod for me here just my experience. There seems to be curling rooster feathers emerging on the tail. Also it is more uneven and less full than the others of the same breed. This chicken also has more wattle growth and a larger comb. I think I see pointy hackles. But I wouldn't say I am one hundred percent on this one being a roo without seeing it in action (i.e. attitude, walk, interaction)
Oh, I didn't know you could use the tail for sexing! How does it work?
The shape of the tail differs between breed but roosters generally start out with an outward tail where pullets go up. As the feathers grow they’ll get longer and pointier giving it they rooster tail. There are some exceptions like the sebright that has a fan tail regardless of gender.
All birds pictured are pullets.

So what else would cause damage like that to their backs? I have only seen it from breeding? Am I just misreading the situation? And then just "thought" I saw bullseyes because that is what my brain expected. lol

Feather damage looks like feather pecking/plucking to me.

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