What’s Everyone Reading Right Now?

That sounds very silly.
Allergies sound pretty nasty... I don't have any other than the universal pollen and dust ones (are those even allergies? It's really more just one's nose getting stuffed up from the tiny particles), and I'm glad for it, frankly....
The only Steven King I've ever read was a Sherlock Holmes short story. It wasn't creepy, actually pretty funny. There was a murder mystery, and when Sherlock and Watson went into the mansion, Watson got to solve the mystery because the house was full of cats and Sherlock's face had swelled up so much he couldn't see because he was allergic.
Every Stephen King book I've read so far (Pet Sematary and Misery) I've totally hated. I don't really know why. I just did n o t like them : ( Not like I was scared of them, they just seemed dumb to me.
I just finished Last one over the Sycamore Bridge...weird to read because its several short stories, some sad. Had a hard time figuring out the point of a few.
Now I'm reading Earth's Last Empire, The Final Game Of Thrones by John Hagee. Learning some cool history stuff about The Holy Land I didn't know but I'm only on chapter 1.
John Hagee is great. I'm sure the book is full of information. I bet it's easier to read his stuff than listen to him. When I listened to a talk from him, I was lost... He talks so fast and jumps here there and everywhere.
That’s very funny. So far this is the only book of his I’ve read and it’s pretty good.

I forgot I am also working on the Toll by Neal shusterman :gig So that’s four books and
The only Steven King I've ever read was a Sherlock Holmes short story. It wasn't creepy, actually pretty funny. There was a murder mystery, and when Sherlock and Watson went into the mansion, Watson got to solve the mystery because the house was full of cats and Sherlock's face had swelled up so much he couldn't see because he was allergic.

counting ....
Hoping to get a book in soon on working with Buckskin; just finished "The Man Who Listens to Horses" by Monty Roberts and prior to that I read "My Friend Flicka" again. Other things include finishing the 3rd book in Eragon's series, and I started reading the Redwall series as a kid and want to pick it back up. Got a few old books 1930s and older I've picked up at yard sales and I'd like to pick up too and read.
I read this great book by Gordon Korman, the author of the Swindle series. It's called Restart, and it's about this boy who falls off his roof and can't remember anything. So when he goes back to school, he starts to realize that everybody is scared of him because he was the school bully and just this terrible person, but he can't remember being like that and wants to change. I really loved it.

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