What’s Everyone Reading Right Now?

Heading to the public library tomorrow to see what I can find. I guess you can reserve books and pick them up, but the site is confusing... there’s a hold time for returned books so it’s just confusing because I’m not sure if they’re available or not
I got so many books at the library!!!! I cannot wait to dig into them
My problem with that is that I start one...and then I start reading the blurb of another one and think "That sounds good!" And then begin reading that one too. I have about four books I've begun reading and am slowly working my way through them.
I'm also attempting to write a story (for my own enjoyment lol, completely amateurish) so the amount of reading I'm doing has gone down, a lot.
There's one library near me, and they had barely any good books. Mainly children's books. Much as I'd like to read about the BFG again, it wasn't what I was looking for. 🤣
Enjoy your books! Love that feeling of coming home with a stack of books to read.
Here’s my first read from the Library

I have read the complete works of Sherlock Holmes
I read all of them, decided there weren’t enough, so I read Otto Penzler’s Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories. Steven King, A. A. Milne, James M. Barrie, and so many more! Some are better than others. I especially love the ones that are written to be just like the originals and are based on cases mentioned but not fully elaborated on in the Canon. Also try House of Silk. That one’s even authorized!
I love to read, and I am a big fan of supernatural-themed stories. I've read all of the books that the show 'True Blood' was based on(Charlaine Harris - Sookie Stackhouse books); the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward; anything by Jennifer Armentrout (I think that is how you spell her name).

Some other books that I really enjoyed (and were not of the supernatural variety) recently were: Ryan's Hand, The Splendor Falls, and Edge of Everything.

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