What’s wrong? Thin Clear Yellow Poop and Lethargic


5 Years
Jul 19, 2018
I’ve got a quail hen, lethargic, feels a bit thin, poop is very thin basically clear and a little yellow. She’s about 6 months old. Has been a group of 5 females and 1 male. Had one of the females drop dead a few days ago. They seem very stressed lately.

My best guess is coccidiosis? Anything else this could be?

Pictures include current bird, quarantined in bathtub, current bird droppings. Last three are of the random death bird from same group a few days ago. She appeared to have prolapsed vent. No egg felt near vent.

Current bird does feel like egg near vent. Quarantined, 10 minute soak in warm epsom salt water, vitamins in water, and heater on in bathroom.

Another note, the male in this group is very aggressive and is ALWAYS riding them when I check on them. Could he be hurting them? I have someone coming this weekend to buy these quail, wondering if I need to call it off. Considering culling the group.



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What are you feeding them?
What is their home like?
Are they getting enough calcium?
Are they eating and drinking?

The poop looks like they're not eating.
Purina all flock feed, full time feed available. Water available at all times. Supplement calcium by offering crushed egg shells. Have not had crushed eggs shells for a few days before this crash. Have been laying an egg/hen each day consistently for weeks. Cage is converted rabbit hutch, up off the ground, near my chicken pen and house. Has dish pan of dirt for dust bathing.

Hen that died did not seem thin, weighed 9.8 oz (I weighed her when I found her dead). This hen does seem a bit thin. It just got terribly hot around here and they are seeming more stressed. Thinking of moving cage to more shaded area. Maybe not eating due to heat?
Heat is a possibility. Did they have plenty of shade? As long as they had enough shade and plenty of water, they should be able to stand pretty high temperatures, though.

if they didn't have enough shade, they could be suffering from heat exhaustion/heat stroke. If that's the case, the ones that are still alive should recover fairly quickly.
Yep, those poops do look like it may be heat exhaustion! They diffently need shade and not just what the hutch roof supplies. I set my pens up where they have morning sun and afternoon shade and protected from the North winds.
Heat is a possibility. Did they have plenty of shade? As long as they had enough shade and plenty of water, they should be able to stand pretty high temperatures, though.

if they didn't have enough shade, they could be suffering from heat exhaustion/heat stroke. If that's the case, the ones that are still alive should recover fairly quickly.
They did not have shade besides the hutch roof. i have moved the cage to a spot under a tree. I have a couple other cages of birds doing well there already so hopefully this fixes the issue. She did go ahead and pass. The other four SEEM to be okay. Mayne Heat exhaustion affected my rosettas worse bc they are darker than the pharoah and italians in the cage. Thank you all for replies.

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