What’s wrong with his legs???

You know, I bet that’s what happened. I can’t find a thing in the coop that he could have gotten snagged on and I am pretty sure it wasn’t a predator. Could kick myself for not noticing mites before they got so bad. What do you clean the coop with to get rid of mites ?
There look to be holes in his legs at the joint. Something has damaged his legs, perhaps a rat, another chicken, or something else. The hock joints look very inflammed, and infection would be a big concern. Is there a local vet that you could have him see? I cannot imagine that he has pecked his own legs to do this. Epsom salts warm soaks might help, or perhaps use chlorhexidene or betadine (both in first aid aisles) in some water for a soak. Leg mites appear to be the lesser problem here, but that will usually respond to an oil (vaseline, crisco shortening, castor oil, coconut oil) applied once a week and rubbed under scales.

X2 I agree with @Eggcessive If vet care is an option, that is the best route to take.
He does have SLM, but I would be concerned about the wounds getting/being infected. The photo does not completely show his feet, but they look to be inflamed as well(?)

Not to scare you, but a while back someone has something similar and first thought it was injury at the hocks, the "wounds" looked more necrotic, but they were cancerous. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/rooster-leg-injury-plus-leg-mites.1215397/
There look to be holes in his legs at the joint. Something has damaged his legs, perhaps a rat, another chicken, or something else. The hock joints look very inflammed, and infection would be a big concern. Is there a local vet that you could have him see? I cannot imagine that he has pecked his own legs to do this. Epsom salts warm soaks might help, or perhaps use chlorhexidene or betadine (both in first aid aisles) in some water for a soak. Leg mites appear to be the lesser problem here, but that will usually respond to an oil (vaseline, crisco shortening, castor oil, coconut oil) applied once a week and rubbed under scales.

X2 I agree with @Eggcessive If vet care is an option, that is the best route to take.
He does have SLM, but I would be concerned about the wounds getting/being infected. The photo does not completely show his feet, but they look to be inflamed as well(?)

Not to scare you, but a while back someone has something similar and first thought it was injury at the hocks, the "wounds" looked more necrotic, but they were cancerous.

I agree with both @Eggcessive and @Wyorp Rock.
Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I have been soaking his legs in Epsom salt then applying a&d ointment and antibiotic cream to his hocks. I tried isolating him but he got so agitated I finally let him out to free range with the others and just separating him from the others at night. He seems to be feeling better. I don’t see the backward leg stretch thing he was doing which in hindsight I now believe was caused by itchiness. My vet is coming out to vaccinate the goats and although he doesn’t do chickens he said he would take a look. I am going to continue the soak and slather and hope he continues to heal. Thank you all again for being so kind and helpful. I will post again if we have a happy ending. I am new to BYC and don’t know what you do to end a forum question so I will just say again Thanks and Good-bye for now.
Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I have been soaking his legs in Epsom salt then applying a&d ointment and antibiotic cream to his hocks. I tried isolating him but he got so agitated I finally let him out to free range with the others and just separating him from the others at night. He seems to be feeling better. I don’t see the backward leg stretch thing he was doing which in hindsight I now believe was caused by itchiness. My vet is coming out to vaccinate the goats and although he doesn’t do chickens he said he would take a look. I am going to continue the soak and slather and hope he continues to heal. Thank you all again for being so kind and helpful. I will post again if we have a happy ending. I am new to BYC and don’t know what you do to end a forum question so I will just say again Thanks and Good-bye for now.
He should be fine now!

You might need to check all of the chickens though

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