what a rude jerk..

That is so extremely odd, that your husband's boss would attack the wife on an employee like that. Very odd.

it is odd, but he is odd too..and it is so passive agressive...one of those things that could be construed as being helpful maybe?

Can you report him?

Or is this too minor of an insult?

(I don't see it as minor, I'd give him a piece of my mind, but since he's your husband's boss...)
Ya know if it were me, I'd be sorely tempted to go vandalize his car tomorrow night, or something like that. I tend to have really bad ideas like that though. The trick is not to do them

Unfriending him was probably the best route to go, since you don't need to jepordize your DH's job. You can also permanently block him from searching you (when he is logged in anyway) if you want to take it a step further.
If you see him in real life though, I would find that VERY awkward.

I feel for you
What does your hubby say about him??

See.. you know how i am...

I would have replyed with something REALLY smart butt...
But played it off like i was joking around so hubby wouldnt take the fall at work... ya know...
I'd be real carefull about any response, after all it is your husband's job. And for sure the boss ain't always right, but he is always the boss.

Secondly, I would make a real big effort to keep my personnal life out of my husband's job. You do not know just exactly what is being said, what is being thought, and how these thoughts could effect your livelyhood.

No way would I have ever posted anything personnal at my wife's job and they for sure ain't no way any one here at my place of employment will ever see a picture of my wife on the internet.

What you interpret as an innocent remark, can be seen as offensive to some one else. As you have experienced first hand now. No way would I place my wife in a position of having to defend my actions or appearance or opinion or beliefs at her place of employment.

Comes out just like you outlined. Innocent picture-- comment either stated meanly or as a misfired joke. Husband is now in position to have to confront his boss over the boss's comment. Husband can't win, even if the boss is wrong.
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My thoughts exactly, unless you or your husband were on a personal friendship basis not only was it wrong to put him on your friends list it was also wrong to make suggestions to your husbands boss on how he should run a business.

I am curious if the OP is having this conversation with her husband. And I am curious as to her husband's and boss's work relationship. Are they friends, could his boss be saying what he is afraid to? Seems a lot of lines were crossed in this event.
you can set your FB settings that will not allow him to see and coment on your wall, pics... or anyting

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