what about feeding chickens mice out of traps?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Ontario, Canada
(I debated whether this belonged here or in Predators and Pests - if I guessed wrong, apologies and hopefully a mod will move it)

What do y'all do with mice that you catch in snap-traps? Tossing one out across the snow this morning I thought "am I wasting perfectly good chicken food, here?" I mean, if the mouse was in their pen the girls would DEFINITELY try to catch it and would eat it if at all possible.

I am pretty totally positive there is no old poison bait lurking anywhere around here, for various reasons. (otherwise I would not even entertain the idea). But are there other considerations? Can a chicken choke on a mouse, or anything like that?

What do other BYCers do with dead mice from the coop?


My chickens love to peck the mice that have been caught in traps. Mine do not choke on them. I found a nest of baby gophers once when a trench was dug for new water pipes and they loved them!
I would not feed it to them purposely. They can get worms, either tape or round.

If you want to be continuely worming them then it is not a problem, but I would rather not.
pips&peeps, can you point me to a reference for the worms thing? I've only ever seen invertebrates (insects, worms etc) named as intermediate hosts for roundworms or tapeworms of chickens. But I may be missing something...?


Your outside cat could have picked them up other ways too! Some worms all it would have had to do is walk in an infected area and then giving itself a bath would have increased the chances of worms.
We were the only ones out here for quite a few years. We have ten acres that was in the middle of what used to be a wheat and oat field, the cat had around 100 acres to himself for years....
I would never feed my chickens mice or any other meat I know some people feel their chicken are scavengers but i am very careful what i feed my ladies, they do not get any meat products of any kind but that is just my opinion. I feed them greens, bread ,BOSS,scratch, and of course laying crumbles, but that is just me,,marrie

Owned by 13 RIR.1 pitt bull, 1poodle mix 1yorkie, 1 great dane and l crabby gray cat.
pips&peeps :

We were the only ones out here for quite a few years. We have ten acres that was in the middle of what used to be a wheat and oat field, the cat had around 100 acres to himself for years....

Worms and their cysts will survive for years in the soil.​

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