What age can you sex geese by there voice?

After their first winter, that’s about when their voices become fully mature. Mind you though, different individuals have different voices, one gander won’t sound like another and one goose won’t sound like another.

The best way to tell though is that girls tend to do a alert/ war cackle that encourages ganders to attack. Ganders tend to do more of a loud honk, more often than females anyway.

Some say that that ganders tend to have a higher pitched voice, but from observing my own that can depend more on the individual and their present mood.
You’re better off looking at their physical build than by voice when determining sex.
Females tend to be short and squat in their neck compared to ganders. Ganders will also instinctively get between you and who they’ve bonded themselves to, which can be a goose or another gander.
Depends on you breed of geese also. There all a bit different I have one girl that sounds like a boy pretend breeds even my boy's and lays eggs. My guess is she is a girl but she still thinks she is a boy with extra talents.
There is a very good YouTube video on how to sex a goose. After watching it I felt it was pretty easy to do. You get the catch the goose sit on a chair, turn him upside down his head between your legs. Then you take both hands on either side of his vent about 1& 1/2 inch away from the vent, slowly put pressure and you will see his odd corkscrew thing come out. If it is a female you will see an opening where the sperm winds up and eggs come out. After watching this I believe I could do it.

We got out 3 geese on April 24 2021 and in the last two week the male is mating with both, so we are sure we got one male and two females like we were told. I do not expect the geese to lay any eggs until March and hopefully we will get some babies.

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