What am I? Boy or girl?


6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Lubbock, Texas

I purchased 2 chicks from a feed store on March 28th. I was told that the chicks were Ameraucanas from a straight run. Both chicks were much larger that the others that I purchased from Tractor Supply and the other chick started crowing weeks ago and exhibiting Roo behavior. This one however, is a mystery. The chick in the background was purchased on March 30th and is a Buff Orpington. This white chicken still peeps but always wants to be 1st on everything like treats and greeting visitors. There are sometimes dust ups with the other hens but always very short. Anyone have any ideas?
Thank you for your expertise. I am new to chickens and have a lot to learn. I looked at several pictures of the Delaware breed and they look exactly like my Edward. I love this site.

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