What am I doing wrong? o.o


9 Years
Jun 16, 2010
Ok, I edited this entire post cause I dont want it to be misunderstood.

my hyper active dog

obviously had some problems a while back. We're now doing bike joring, but

recently the lead has been getting caught in my weels and either making me wreck,

or jerking bridgit back hard enough to break a bone, so I'm looking for an attatchment

to attatch the lead to my bike where that wont happen. She gets exersized daily,

whether it's by playing fetch, playing ball, or walking. We walk everyday. Now she has

rude behaviors which I totally understand it's my fault for not training her right,

but I'm stuck. She slams into people's legs (in a clumsy way) after running around

crazily for a while. She'll have spaz moments where she runs around the house crazily

and jump onto our couch, somtimes when people are sittinh there, and scratches and cuts

people who are sitting somtimes. She's just really clumsy. she doesn't ATTACK. Shes NOT

at ALL aggresive. Just plays rough. She play nips and mouths us, and somtimes leaves bruises

from that. I'm not here asking people to feel bad for me, cause I'll tell you right now thats NOT

what I want. I'm posting here because I'd like to know your opinion on training, whether it sounds

fixable or not and maybe a website based on behaviors like this. I explained it differently earlier and

made her sound like an attack dog, but shes not, I promise. She just thinks she can push us around

when it comes to play time. Thanks for all answers.
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I would recommend you get a clicker.

Next go visit YouTube and watch some vids on clicker training.

I recommend Kikopup's channel in particular. With this sort of drive, once you begin to channel it in a positive direction, it will build on itself very rapidly. You will quickly have a dog who is doing the right thing with just as much enthusiasm as she is doing the wrong thing now.

You just have to learn how to direct it. Good luck!
Any sort of obedience training seems like it would be beneficial for her! Not only would it tire out her brain, but it would keep her actively thinking for a half hour or an hour. What it seems like you want to do is get her to focus on YOU, so that you can redirect the bad behavior. "Stay" was a wonderful command for my dog. He's a cattle dog and he used to chase us up and down the hill to our barn trying to nip the whole way. When he started acting up, I could make him sit and stay and then I would call him after he had a few seconds to cool off. Then he'd walk along side me fine. Sort of helped him to refocus his hyper brain!

Also, any type of trick would be good too. Play dead, paw, beg are all good things just to help you two bond. I find it's a lot easier to connect and teach a dog if you are well bonded.

Now my task is to find a clicker. Wish I bought one

before our petstore closed down
I'll probably have to order it

online next time I buy bird food. So far I've managed to teach her

sit, lay, high-five (high five was EASY haha) and we're working on stay.

You do not need a clicker. (Although they are nice). You can use anything else that makes a distinct little sound, like a pen with a retractible point; or just a verbal marker (since I do a lot of 'random moments' stuff with Russell and often do not have a clicker handy, he has learned that a particular little happy 'yay!' is the same kind of marker as a click).

You just need it to be something DISTINCT, and NOT GOING TO BE DONE ACCIDENTALLY, and YOU ALWAYS DO IT THE SAME WAY. (so if you use the happy little 'yay!' you have to always say it the same way and not be using it for other times when you aren't marking-and-treating)

Then do some reading about the basic principles of how to mark and reward, do some initial "charge up the clicker" (i.e. teach the animal to associate the sound with the treat) and yer off to the races
You might want to work on sit or down (whichever the dog is more apt to offer on its own), and doggie-zen style leave it first.

There are a bazillion places online and in print to learn about clicker training but one resource I found useful was www.shirleychong.com , there are lots of things on getting started and solving problems and such.

Good luck, have fun,

While the suggestions above are all good, they are *training* suggestions. You need to give her a behavior intervention that includes training her what beahvior you WANT and also you need to MANAGE her bad behavior that she is doing now until she learns to do it right. What she is doing to you and your family is rediculous -- but believe it or not she learned she could do it from you.

For now, and until you start training her don't give her the opportunity to practice the bad behavior. Put her in a crate or anticipate the times she goes crazy and put her in another room -- or better yet put her on leash and hold the leash until she settles down. There are a LOT of ways of approaching this kind of thing. But number one advice I can give you is pick a way of dealing with her and training and stick with it. Consistent high expectations, patience, and practice will get you results. Switching from one training method to another over and over will just get you a confused dog that won't listen.
I think the first step is tiring her out. And I mean tiring her out so much that she's exhausted.A tired dog is calmer and easier to teach.
My sheltie/Jrt was pretty hyper. He barked like mad at other dogs, people, even cars.
He also had some dominance/aggression issues; he's bitten multiple times in the past 6years. I started exercising him more and pushing him around. Made sure he understood he was not the one leading the walk. He has definitely improved.

I also had another dog, who greeted family members by grabbing their hands & arms and mouthing them. I think he meant well, but he was way too rough. The only way improve that behavior is to make sure EVERYONE in the household corrects the dog when he/she scratches/jumps.
I'd definitely recommend looking at some ceaser milan training videos. Those really helped me out
No, this is not about the lack of a clicker, sorry. This is not something that a piece of magikal equipment or a dvd of how to teach Frisky to shake hands is going to solve.

This is a dog that thinks it is in charge of the house, and is spoiled and not trained.

This is not even about exercise, though it sounds like you haven't done much about that either. The dog STILL isn't getting exercised daily. What sort of junk do you need for your bike? I never put anything on my bike, why do you have to? Tie the dog's leash to your bike and ride.

This is about lacking training and the dog taking charge.

You don't need to focus so much on rewarding this dog.

You need to focus on structuring her time and PUNISHING HER WHEN SHE DOES THESE THINGS - PUNISHING EFFECTIVELY. PUNISH does not mean beat, scream, have hysterics. It means position yourself, time your movements, project your authority, and STOP THE DOG FROM DOING THESE THINGS.

Try to forget about rewarding her for a little while, ok? This isn't even close to clicker territory. You've created a monster through lack of training and discipline.

So. She slams into someone. First of all, why aren't you seeing that when she STARTS, BEFORE she actually even connects and slams into someone? Try to see this coming a little bit more.

First, she has on a chain collar and a leash, or one of those little 35 cent slip lead-collars, and you lay her down and roll her over and get into her face a little bit, ok? She isn't allowed to do this kind of thing. You stop her.

Stop doing the other stuff you're doing, and train your dog.

If she gets nasty with you, put a muzzle on, and then put on the chain collar and the leash and lay her down and roll her on her back and get into her face a little bit, okay?

Get a professional in there, get Cesar Milan or something, this dog is going to harm someone pretty soon.

For heaven's sake. I can't really dialogue along and smile and be sweet in these threads, I just get so frustrated at how people drag on and do nothing - this has been going on and on and on - you need to stop what else you're doing and do some work on this dog - OR IT IS GOING TO WIND UP HURTING SOMEONE AND GETTING DESTROYED.
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look, I DO exersize her. I DO get in her face about it EVERY time she

does somthing wrong. She WONT listen. I need an attatchment for my bike because

the lead caught up in it last time and almost made me wreck. When shes in the

house shes on a leash. It's not like I'm not trying, ok? Shes not spoiled. She does not

get 'treated'. She gets a 'good girl' and we're off again. Why would I come her for help

if I could easily help it myself? I need advice on HOW to punish her. I dont like slapping,

so I grab her on the ground and make her listen. When she gets up she acts like shes

boss again.
thanks for your reply though.
I think your best bet is going to be restraining her from being crazy (leash/crate/lots of exercise/etc...and don't underestimate the power of mental exhaustion either, not just physical). And instead of lots of punishing (you want her to listen because it works out in her interest to listen, not because she is afraid of you), start treating her, and generously when she is good/listening/during training sessions (which should be fun, short and frequent). You want her to associate you and good behavior with good things, not bad. Do some googling on positive training, it may help.

Good luck! and Be consistent!

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